I've been neglecting the layout to get a few things ready on the outside for an upcoming layout tour. The "B" semaphore is finally complete and fully operational!!! Even my wife was impressed (not easy to do anymore). The US&S H-2 and H-5 should be up and running next week. And the best news ever, I finally found a Magnetic Flagman (lower quadrant) wig wag for cheap. Needs a resto but I promise you I will get'r done.
Video in operation
San Dimas Southern slideshow
Remember this?Well, I changed my mind a little bit... At the Timonium show I scored some of those Chooch cut stone piers and abutments for next to nothing, so I put them into play... This required a minor redesign of the bridge, but I believe you'll like the results...Here's the piers in place, along with some foam to define the banks of Wills Creek as it disappears into the backdrop.Here's the newly configured bridge, employing a deck truss in place of the deck plate bridge. The deck truss is nothing fancy, just a cut up and combined Atlas bridge. But it is a little special, as it was salvaged from the WMRHS N Scale layout I built back in the late 80's.Anyway, once I was happy with the landcscape, I waved my hand and this appeared...The bridge at Hinshaw is just set in place, pending the installation of the guardrails a visit from the track painting crew. Once those chores are done, I'll affix everything to the piers.Lee
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
I was wondering what happened to you, and how your progress was going on the rebuild project. That new bridge scene looks amazing!!! I really like those new abutments also.
How long did this take you, scenery and all? You must be cranking right along....
CEO- Mile-HI-RailroadPrototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989
I finally got around to building an extension for my shelf layout. Hopefully over Thanksgiving I will have time to build the section on the other end that goes over my desk. In the meantime, I can start doing practice operations.
Margaritaman I've been neglecting the layout to get a few things ready on the outside for an upcoming layout tour. The "B" semaphore is finally complete and fully operational!!! Even my wife was impressed (not easy to do anymore). The US&S H-2 and H-5 should be up and running next week. And the best news ever, I finally found a Magnetic Flagman (lower quadrant) wig wag for cheap. Needs a resto but I promise you I will get'r done.
Dude, I can't wait to see all the new toys. I need to come over and play, I mean observe. Seeing that Semaphore in action will be amazing.
--Zak Gardner
My Layout Blog: http://mrl369dude.blogspot.com
Well, I built the basic benchwork around this spot a few months ago, and have been going back and forth about what bridge to use since then. A couple weeks ago, the crew came down and I got the girder plate bridge shown in the first frame, and that seemed to be fine... This is what it looked like June 30, 2010:
Then I went to the Timonium Scale Train Show, and picked up the piers and abutments from an estate sale, which led to the change to the truss bridge, which I like a lot better. I worked on the bridge parts for a few hours during the week, weathered the piers and abutments last night, then weathered the bridge today while I watched my beloved Ravens eviscerate the lowly Dolphins... After dinner, I cut some foam, spread some Sculptamold, and whipped up what you see in the last frame. The area I finished is only about 16" square, and I still need to do the water.