Well, I built the basic benchwork around this spot a few months ago, and have been going back and forth about what bridge to use since then. A couple weeks ago, the crew came down and I got the girder plate bridge shown in the first frame, and that seemed to be fine... This is what it looked like June 30, 2010:
Then I went to the Timonium Scale Train Show, and picked up the piers and abutments from an estate sale, which led to the change to the truss bridge, which I like a lot better. I worked on the bridge parts for a few hours during the week, weathered the piers and abutments last night, then weathered the bridge today while I watched my beloved Ravens eviscerate the lowly Dolphins... After dinner, I cut some foam, spread some Sculptamold, and whipped up what you see in the last frame. The area I finished is only about 16" square, and I still need to do the water.
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
Margaritaman I've been neglecting the layout to get a few things ready on the outside for an upcoming layout tour. The "B" semaphore is finally complete and fully operational!!! Even my wife was impressed (not easy to do anymore). The US&S H-2 and H-5 should be up and running next week. And the best news ever, I finally found a Magnetic Flagman (lower quadrant) wig wag for cheap. Needs a resto but I promise you I will get'r done.
I've been neglecting the layout to get a few things ready on the outside for an upcoming layout tour. The "B" semaphore is finally complete and fully operational!!! Even my wife was impressed (not easy to do anymore). The US&S H-2 and H-5 should be up and running next week. And the best news ever, I finally found a Magnetic Flagman (lower quadrant) wig wag for cheap. Needs a resto but I promise you I will get'r done.
Dude, I can't wait to see all the new toys. I need to come over and play, I mean observe. Seeing that Semaphore in action will be amazing.
--Zak Gardner
My Layout Blog: http://mrl369dude.blogspot.com
I finally got around to building an extension for my shelf layout. Hopefully over Thanksgiving I will have time to build the section on the other end that goes over my desk. In the meantime, I can start doing practice operations.
I was wondering what happened to you, and how your progress was going on the rebuild project. That new bridge scene looks amazing!!! I really like those new abutments also.
How long did this take you, scenery and all? You must be cranking right along....
CEO- Mile-HI-RailroadPrototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989
Remember this?Well, I changed my mind a little bit... At the Timonium show I scored some of those Chooch cut stone piers and abutments for next to nothing, so I put them into play... This required a minor redesign of the bridge, but I believe you'll like the results...Here's the piers in place, along with some foam to define the banks of Wills Creek as it disappears into the backdrop.Here's the newly configured bridge, employing a deck truss in place of the deck plate bridge. The deck truss is nothing fancy, just a cut up and combined Atlas bridge. But it is a little special, as it was salvaged from the WMRHS N Scale layout I built back in the late 80's.Anyway, once I was happy with the landcscape, I waved my hand and this appeared...The bridge at Hinshaw is just set in place, pending the installation of the guardrails a visit from the track painting crew. Once those chores are done, I'll affix everything to the piers.Lee
Video in operation
San Dimas Southern slideshow
Here's another yard shot with some Dash-8's.
A picture from last Friday, op session in my baement.
The yardmaster run into trouble when a train entered his yard without contact.
Pueblo & Salt Lake RR
Come to us http://www.westportterminal.de my videos my blog
No activity for 19 hours!! This WPF needs a BUMP; I know there are more good photos out there!
EDIT: Shayfan had the same idea as me, and had something good to contribute!
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
C&O Fan jacon12: Hey, lets get the ball... uh, train rollin'! Here Southern Rwys RS-3 2131 leads a local down Choctaw Ridge past the section foreman's house just above the little town of Woodland in the Appalachian mountains. Jarrell Wow Great Shot !!
jacon12: Hey, lets get the ball... uh, train rollin'! Here Southern Rwys RS-3 2131 leads a local down Choctaw Ridge past the section foreman's house just above the little town of Woodland in the Appalachian mountains. Jarrell
Hey, lets get the ball... uh, train rollin'!
Here Southern Rwys RS-3 2131 leads a local down Choctaw Ridge past the section foreman's house just above the little town of Woodland in the Appalachian mountains.
Wow Great Shot !!
I'll second that! Great work Jerrell.
My layout is in transit - moving to a new house with a larger train room. Still, i love to participate, so I brought you all a couple of prototype fall leaves pics (with track and a bridge) from west Ogden:
Phil, I'm not a rocket scientist; they are my students.
Sunset in Greenbush Yard.
Here's a peek at my 2 newest HO locomotives.
These are Athearn fantasy CR GP60Ms.
Both are very smooth and quiet.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
Motley wholeman: Jarrell, Kyle Y is right, it is EZ Line. The bands that wrap around the pipes are thin strips of electrical tape. The pipes themselves are styrene tubing that is 9/32" in diameter. This is equivalent to 24" in HO scale. I got the idea from Pelle Soeberg's book "Done In A Day." Wil, Is the load glued onto the flatbed? Or is it removable someway?
wholeman: Jarrell, Kyle Y is right, it is EZ Line. The bands that wrap around the pipes are thin strips of electrical tape. The pipes themselves are styrene tubing that is 9/32" in diameter. This is equivalent to 24" in HO scale. I got the idea from Pelle Soeberg's book "Done In A Day."
Jarrell, Kyle Y is right, it is EZ Line. The bands that wrap around the pipes are thin strips of electrical tape.
The pipes themselves are styrene tubing that is 9/32" in diameter. This is equivalent to 24" in HO scale.
I got the idea from Pelle Soeberg's book "Done In A Day."
Is the load glued onto the flatbed? Or is it removable someway?
The load is secured to the deck with Elmer's White School Glue. I was looking for something to keep it secured, yet I can remove it if I ever have to.
On a recent thread "When Do We Have Enough Stuff" I announced that I was having a buying moritorium until I used what I had on hand.
This Intermountain 2 bay hopper decorated for a local short line was listed on eBay. A week after the moritorium I broke my own rule and here's what did it.
This experience has taught me that ther are 4 necessities for life, food, clothing, shelter, and train supplies.
Happy Railroading
Don't Ever Give Up
Will, thanks for mentioning that book, I think I'll order it. He's one of my fav modelers.
wholeman Jarrell, Kyle Y is right, it is EZ Line. The bands that wrap around the pipes are thin strips of electrical tape. The pipes themselves are styrene tubing that is 9/32" in diameter. This is equivalent to 24" in HO scale. I got the idea from Pelle Soeberg's book "Done In A Day."
It looks like EZ Line from Berkshire Junction. It's an elastic type product. A little drop of CA and it's good to go. I've used it and it's a charm.
"Service, Pride and Efficiency"
Will, you did a great job modeling this load. What are the pipes made of, and how did you get the 'rope' so prototypically tight like that? I have a hard time threading an ordinary needle!
wholeman Here is a pipe load I made from scratch to go onto one of my Athearn Bulkhead Flat Car. Excuse the messy workbench.
Here is a pipe load I made from scratch to go onto one of my Athearn Bulkhead Flat Car.
Excuse the messy workbench.
Thank Terry, I appreciate it. The picture is actually 26 different pictures 'stacked' with a free computer program called Combine ZP. A big shoutout to Crandell for turning my attention to the program.
Wonderful work by everyone!!
I didn't get much modeling done this week, but got some parts in. So here's some full scale news, & a shot from my travels this week.This is DM&E #6359 AKA: Mt. Rushmore, after a collision on the east side of Ossian IA on Nov 4, 2010. A Fertilizer (straight )truck was crossing a farm field access crossing & was struck by the train heading eastbound. From the news picture it looked like a 3 engine grain train consist & was probably not at high speed. The truck driver was taken to the hospital, but no condition was reported. The truck was struck on the passenger side & dislodged the hood & the hopper on the truck. It was reported that the truck stopped at the crossing & then proceeded without seeing or hearing the train. The crossing is marked with small stop signs & small crossbucks. The locomotive has some damage shown in this shot, the hand rails are bent, the ditch lights are gone, & the cut bar is bent as well. This was photographed the next day in Marquette IA & it was idling.
jacon12 Hey, lets get the ball... uh, train rollin'! Here Southern Rwys RS-3 2131 leads a local down Choctaw Ridge past the section foreman's house just above the little town of Woodland in the Appalachian mountains. Jarrell
See my Web Site Here
Thanks Crandell ... If my photos are of the rear of the train, I will not hear from rivit counters about some non- prototypical details on the locomotives.
Garry, I wonder why so few people take images with a train moving away from them. You have done a very credible job of making this a realistic scene. I like the lighting, the low angle, the perspective and depth. Nicely done!
Great work all.
Jarrell ... Nice scene. I can almost hear that Alco rumbling over the bridge.
Robby ... Another great weathering job. You should name your railroad "The Rust Belt".
Motley ... Love the Santa Fe warbonnet and western scenery.
Rick ... Your freight cars look really good.
MA Bruse .. Great Roll By video.
Crandell ... We can count on you for great steam photos.
DJ ... Your photo with Alcos really captures a mood.
My photo shows the rear of a Football Special... Must be a big game with that long train.
Excellent work from everyone, this week. A pair of Alco road switchers continue across Hammer Creek. DJ.
Thanks a bunch, Impressionable One! I wondered if the Y would make you take a look.
The far side of the trestle is actually at the transition to level. At that point, I have near 8" of vertical separation.
Essentially, my layout is one big folded loop where the overpass is directly below where the locomotive is right now. The lower track has descended from out of the right side of the photo beginning at the same top level as the trestle, run downhill and into a tunnel and comes out below the curve you see ahead of the engine. The lower track is visible between the church and the house to its right.
Crandell, you need to stop posting pictures! You are making me want to much on the next layout. I had just talk my self out of having 12 to 16 inch elevation's and here you post that great picture!
By the way, how high is the Y6 b from the bottom of the layout?
Your impressionable friend Ken
I hate Rust