I really doubt if their manufacturer actually speed matches them, but as Randy mentioned, they should run fine together. If they aren't synced to your liking, then you can fiddle around with the speed matching.
I just looked at the Walthers web site, and at the set you want, and no speed matching info is given, so don't expect it.
A call to Walthers would answer your question.
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While I can't say the same for the BLI or Walthers units, I have an Athearn Genesis Warbonnet F3, and I love it! Pretty nice detail (a little plain, but this one is over 10 years old), very quiet, and a real nice paint job to boot. My only gripe is the lighting. It has bulbs, when Walthers units have LED's. I din't know about the BLI units.
You can find Genesis units at around $100 on Ebay all the time.
I think Walthers skimps on packing. When those locos were Life like P2K, most of them came packaged in a larger box that had the shell not attached to the chassis. Of course that required a sheet tossed in the box telling you how to get it out without destorying it, but it wasn't difficult - with fine detail you can't just yank on the plastic and expect nothing to break. At the end, LL was packaging things witht he shell on and hoping the box was cushioned enough, and I'm going to say it isn't. There are, of course, other brands that ship like this and don;t get broken parts on nearly every model shipped.
Athearn would win hands down if they would just quit with the light bulbs already. I'm partial to Bowser myself, but if you want all the grabds and lift rings you have to add those yourself. Excellent smooth and quite runners.
Unless one's broken, two locos of the same model from the same run from the same manufacturer will be plenty close to run together without going through a bunch of effort tweaking speed tables.
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My personal experience........Have 15 BLI locomotives, steam and diesels including PRR F-units.....very pleased with their products. Athearn locomotives including Genesis series units...too many to count but very pleased with their products. Not the same with Walthers...130’ TT is piece of junk. Over past two Christmas holidays received 7 SD70ace and 1 SD60m locomotives and everyone of them broken out of the box (lights,snowplows,handrails). I cancelled 2 ES44ac unit’s I had ordered more than 2 years ago based on past history. Instead purchased Scale Trains ES44AC unit’s and they are great. Going forward, I will not purchase Walthers locomotives .......poor quality. Again, this is my personal experience, best of luck in your decision.
I’m not asking which is the best. I am interested in the Pros & Cons of each compared to each other. decoder, detail, Lighting, Motor control, etc.
I want a warbonet F7 A/B set. When sold like this are they speed matched?