I have a Digitrax Zypher 2.5 amp system that has been running for the past 4 years without any issues. Yesterday, while running two locos on the layout, my engine slowed down and stopped on it's own. I was using the DT402D throttle with a good battery in it. The throttle still showed speed step 82 on the LCD screen to I turned it up and the engine began running again. My grandson was running another engine using the command station throttle and his did the same thing. After restarting the system it continued to function the same way. I restarted the system today and everything was running OK. I shut it down for lunch and when I restarted it, none of the engines will respond to any of the throttles. The system powers up and all throttles show normal conditions. I can select locos on all throttles but none of the engines respond to any commands. The engines all powered up and lights and sounds come on, just as they normally do. I even tried a DC loco using the 00 address and that didn't work either, but the loco lights came on and the motor had the ususal humming?? I remembered reading a recent thread about RF interference with Digitrax systems but this is affecting all throttles, not just the radio one. I looked through the Digitrax manual and none of the troubleshooting problems are like mine. I checked the wire connection to the track outputs and they are all good. I don't know what else to try at this point and hope someone out there can shed some light on this issue.
Life is what happens while you are making other plans!
The symptom of your DT402 showing speed 82, the loco stopping, and then as soon as you moved the throttle knob it started again tells me that same loco is selected on another throttle. Most likely the Zephyr console but it could be the other knob of the DT402.
Unless you have consists saved, just to an OpSw 39 reset and everything should be good. Or select every loco you were using, make sure the speed is set to 0 and all functions are off (on the Zephyr console, put the direction handle to brake), and then hit Loco, Exit. Repeat for all locos in use. You will likely see a STEAL message for some, always say yes.
Easier to just to OpSw39, but if you have any locos consisted together the consists will be lost.
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I did the OpSw39 on the console and the DT402D with no change. I kept reading the manual since posting and found that my 5 year old great grandson had hit the power button on the console and everything went back to normal; for a while. We were both running locos again and then they shut down intermittently. I turned the sound off on both locos (Rivarossi Big Boy and IM Cab Forward) and ran them at 75% throttle and they haven't stopped since, but I really don't think that was the issue. I will check for locos left on two throttles as that is a very good possibility; in fact I got a 'steal?' message on one of the locos I was trying to run.
My 5 year old doesn't like to 'listen' to any instruction or rules so I am constantly looking over his shoulder. I know people think I shouldn't let a 5 year old run my trains but he isn't the normal 5 year old. He understands how to run the UT4 and console as long as he keeps to the basic buttons (hence he doesn't get to use the DT402D throttle; way too many buttons!). I spend an average of 4 hours a day in the train room with him and he knows more about trains than most adults in our family.
I will check on the loco addresses being on more than one throttle and hope that is my problem. Thanks for the input.
Also check the power on dot int he upper right of the DT402 display. If it is blinking, the system is in estop, effectively a sleep mode that has a DCC signal but no commands. Hit power, on and it should change to a solid dot like normal and things should be OK.
After an OpSw 39 reset, you should not get any Steal messages, everything is cleared out. You to have to cycle power - pull the power plug out of the Zephyr, since there's no actual system power switch.
rrinkerYou to have to cycle power - pull the power plug out of the Zephyr, since there's no actual system power switch.
I have a master on/off switch (controlling a power strip) to ALL systems and power supplies so that should in effect cut power to the console. I will check for the power light on the DT402 when I get back in the train room. Also, yesterday when in this no response mode, I checked the track voltage and it was 14.3 volts AC using a VOM.
Well that works too. The point is, after OpSw39, you need to cycle power to the system for it to finish the reset.
The blinking power indicator, some people have said they get that when turning on a DC100 or DB150 system. I'm pretty sure there's no way to accidently hit buttons on the Zephyr or a UT4 that would trigger that. DT402 - yes.
rrinkerThe point is, after OpSw39, you need to cycle power to the system for it to finish the reset.
Sorry I didn't notice that Randy, I will have to redo it and then power off. I had another 'episode' today and finally figured out that my 5 year old tried to select another engine without dispatching (he doesn't know how to do this and I keep after him to let me do any changes???) the current one. I had to go and reselect and dispatch the two engines and everything was OK again. Everything has been running OK since this morning but I will do another OpSw39 and then power off.
Thanks for all the help here.
You're probably OK, if it's working fine. If a second loco is selected without dispatching the running one, selecting the non-dispatched loco (saying Yes to steal if prompted) and then properly dispatching it is the procedure to follow. Only if there are so many and you can't keep track of them should you really have to do the OpSw 39 thing. Or you are in a hurry. For a home layout it may not be a big deal, depending on how many locos you have. On a club where people bring all sorts of locos, different story. Many like to to an OpSw 39 reset prior to any operating, so that you start from a known clean configuration.
Just to update on this issue, it seems to be fixed with the OpSw39 and a random 'steal' command. Thanks for the help.