Well, not really but I am frustrated. I have an e7 diesel by broadway limited . It has dcc & sound. When I turn the power on it just sits there & hisses like a rattler fixing to strike. I tried resetting the engine and I even cleared my digitrax but to no avail. I sent it to broadway to fix & they installed a new decoder,got the engine back,put it on the track & the same old problem constant hissing. Anybody got any sugestions?
BLI decoders are dual-mode. Have you tried to run it on DC with a plain 'ol DC power pack? After you did the reset did you hear the "coupler crash" that confirms reset? Is this Paragon 2 or the older QSI decoder. Some used the magnetic wand, others you have to push a button on the board. Since BLI just put a new decoder in there it might help to call them and see what they have to say about their repair.
Tel: 386-673-8900 - Phone Technical Support Hours: 1pm - 4pm EST M-FFAX: 386-673-8080
Maybe obvious but are you using address 03 after the reset? I use Decoder Pro for any of my programming so I'm a bit rusty on manual resets, did you remove, then reapply power after the reset? I recall some you had to hit F6 twice to "wake-up" a locomotive (may have been QSI?)
I'm just throwing out ideas here. BLI has made many changes over the years with regards to reset button locations and methods. I'm not sure if I hit on any that may be useful to you.
Hopefully others will add more suggestions. Ed
gmpullman BLI decoders are dual-mode. Have you tried to run it on DC with a plain 'ol DC power pack? After you did the reset did you hear the "coupler crash" that confirms reset? Is this Paragon 2 or the older QSI decoder. Some used the magnetic wand, others you have to push a button on the board. Since BLI just put a new decoder in there it might help to call them and see what they have to say about their repair.
Are you running the loco in DC or DCC?
Why did BLI replace the decoder? If the decoder was faulty, had the loco ever run correctly? What made the loco stop running? If BLI replaced the decoder, they obviously had the loco running in the shop, so why not now on your layout?
Ed asks a critical question. What address are you using to call up the loco?
We need more info.
Alton Junction
I pulled the plug out of the decoder as per instructions and it says reset then it starts hissing again. BLI said send it back to them but what else can they do? This is the older e7.
If it's an OLDER E-7, it's likely a QSI
Hit F6 a couple times. It's possible it's in standby mode.
If that doesn't work, hit F9. You could be in sound of power mode (adjust engine RPM without affecting speed) (Should made a grade crossing horn "HOOT")
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
I hit f6 & nothing happened it did say reset but no hoot when I reset it & it kept on hissing, anyway I sent it back to bli this morning to see if they can figure it out, thanks for all the ideas & help.