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Electronics and DCC
FORUM CLINIC: Picking the best DCC system
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Well, as chief instigator of a related thread, I'll throw down my 2cents. Here are the critical elements for me when considering DCC. In other words, my "best" system would be the one that has the most advantageous offering in these areas (several of which, especially "throttle" are highly subjective!) <br /> <br />1) Throttles. This is critical to me - it's the interface I use and whether I like it or not will determined a large chunk of how happy I am. Issues I'd want to know: Knobs, dials or buttons for primary speed control. Availability of simpler "engineer" throttles versus "dispatcher" throttles. Programmable buttons available, one-push function buttons, complexity of keying sequence to accomplish functions. <br /> <br />2) Wireless. Yes, a subset of Throttles, really, but critical. What wireless options does the system support. How well do they work? What are the limitations (i.e. changing locos without plugging in?) Are there technical issues reports (e.g. time lag). While it might not be a prerequisite today, I see this being like cordless phones. When they first came out, they were a gimmick, a luxury, a gadget. Now they're dominant. I'd guess that 10 years from now it will be unusual to run around a layout plugging and unplugging a tether. I know personally I won't go into a system that doesn't offer a wireless option. <br /> <br />3) Stationary decoders/non-train function control. I realize part of this answer is "that's about the decoder, not the system, and any system SHOULD in theory run any decoder." I'd suggest that A) that isn't true (not all systems will run all decoders) and B) the system itself does impact this issue: e.g. How does the system interface with other-than-loco controls. How complex is it to control signaling, switches/turnouts, accessories, etc. How does it interact with block detection. Does it support two-way decoders and if so, how. Etc. <br /> <br />4) Updateability. Can the system software be updated as standards change and/or new features come available. How? Download? Send the system in? Etc. <br /> <br />5) CTC. Does the system have a way to interface with a CTC functionality. Through a computer such as JMRI? Through a more hardware-based solution like a traditional CTC panel? <br /> <br />This is my top 5 (and I'm purposely limiting it to 5). These are simply MY key issues, and I haven't addressed things like full NMRA compatibility (or lack thereof), support for sound and how complete/effective that support is, etc. etc. Love to hear other people's inputs!
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