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Overhead Layout

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Overhead Layout
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 17, 2003 9:28 AM
I'm beginning to design an overhead layout to go around our family room. I have never done this before, but I'm excited about the possibilities. I'm looking for resources, books and ideas abut this venture. If you have information on this type of project or know where I can get some additonal help I would appreciate it. I'm just trying to avoid reinventing the wheel and avoiding problems. In most area I'm layout will be attached to the wall, but it a view places I will have to suspended the track board from the ceiling. I'm looking for the right means to do this part of the project.

Thanks for any help

Gene Cline
  • Member since
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  • From: Seacoast New Hampshire, USA
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Posted by seacoast on Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:24 PM
I built an overhead layout for my G scale (in my old home) using
Aristrocrafts companies Transit system worked great! However with that
said one could also use the metal shelves found at home depot stores (they will cut it for you, paint it etc) you can easily mount them across the walls. Also you can use plexi glass shelves etc. Look at Garden railways magazine and they have a lot of ideas for G scale ( big trains) however you could most likley use them for O guage or even Ho guage they have some ads that might help so check that magazine out. Also going to a large Greenburgh toy train show I have seen dealers that have tables for suspended or ceiling layouts most
of the ideas/stuff is designed for G scale, If you have the money hire
a good carpentar and tell him want you want ( sheetrock or suspended).
Try the internet and Garden Railway Magazine,& try these sites below:

  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 20, 2003 6:32 PM
I'd say go with an O scale set up, large enough for details to be seen from a distance, but not large enough to take up to much space. Can get away with semi-decent scenery at above head as most won't be seen, except from a distance.

HO would work if the layout was more near eye level around the rooom, and would then allow for better detailed scenery with it.


PS. For dust control, i'd say use wire shelving instead of solid boards.

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