I need a little help on the new bench work that I am addind to the older bench. New section will be free standing on 3 sides so I can work on it with out laying on the board. It will be a moduler frame work with 15" center's and made from 2 X 4's. Total sizes will be 5' x 8'.
Only my A line will go on to the new bench then it will split to a C line that will run on the new section only. A line will have no grade but will have some 24" curves to go into a tunnel and avoid a lake or river. Not 90 degress but a bend to avoid the water and head into large hill tunnel.
I want the C line to be 4" or higher above the A line. It will be in the center and 18" turns. More than likely it will be a coal mine or a logging site. (no narrow gauge at this point) It will be self contained, in other words the C line will not have to run on the A line excpet to head to the new mine or lumber site.
It will be running DC diesel power and more than likely Protos or a Athearn Super weight 8 wheel drive. Max dragg will be around 12 to 20 coal cars that roll very easy. Proto wheels and trucks cleaned up.
I have done some ruff math, I should have 168" to head up the grade, grade turns should be around 25" radius on the out side of the hill. That is about 3/4 of the new board. But not sure how to get back down? Have a tunnel inside the C line to go back down to the A line?
Big hill will be made with plaster and paper towels so there will be room inside.
If you have any ideas would you draw free hand PIC nothing fancy but something to get me thinking.
I am going to cut lumber during the hoildays and hope to have the frame work up before friday.
Hope there are a few ideas posted as well.
Thanks to the help you folks have given me my track laying is pretty good now (much better than my spelling) and trains run great!
Thanks in advices, Cuda Ken Hauling Trouble free freight again.
I hate Rust
Hi Ken
I can't give much help on track plans, but a 4" rise in 160" is a 2.5% grade. That's a bit stiff, are you planning on adding helpers??
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
G Paine, Hey thanks for the only answer. More than likely the train will be doubled headed with Proto 2000's BL 2's. I seem to have a lot of them. They are dragging 30 cars now up a 2.0 grade so 2.5 should not be that much harder with less cars.
Today at work I think I came up with a idea that will give me lower grade and more height. Instead of having a down side line at the top I will have a reversing loop in the center of the yard. I can go up around two loops so I should have around 532 inches.
I will try to find time to do a ruff drawing and post it to see what you might think of it.
Cuda Ken