near the bottom left, i assume there's a bridge where the loop crosses itself. there's a turnout with a spur that also crosses the loop. isn't the spur above the loop it crosses? does it need a bridge?
do you really need the crossover in the middle of the siding?
most of the spurs are oriented for counter-clockwise (right side loop) running. do you plan on running clockwise? should there be spurs, not on the siding that are oriented for cw running?
why do you have so many spurs off the siding?d
greg - Philadelphia & Reading / Reading
Hi - I am fairly new to the forum, and I am in the process of designing a 11' x 5' L- Shaped Layout.
Some key characteristics/desires:
So far this is where I am with my design:
The plan is designed with Atlas 83 rail, just because that is what I have on hand from my earlier layout (with exception of a #6 1/2 Sinohara curved turnout).
In essence, I believe I was able to stick to above set parameters, although I had to go slightly above my maximum desired grades (max grade 2.5% as designed). I planned sidings for a small wharf/port (bottom left), and a small branch going to a mine (left layout wing). I may or may not include a turntable in the yard, just thinking it will get too crowded, and I won't really need one to turn, due to the continuous run.
Any input is welcome!