I'd prefer a shelf layout now, but since this was a father & son project from 40 years ago, it has a lot of sentimental value. The track plan worked out OK when we built it, but some of the grades are too steep. I had to lower some of the highest track and raise some lower track to flatten it out a bit. The scenery was a big challenge. Much of the design in the plan just doesn't work, and I've had to get creative. I'm sure if anyone else built this layout, they had the same problems, and I'd be interested in hearing how they solved them.
Wow, that is one of the more ambitious plans in there. A LOT of trackage. Can't say I've ever seen one built, in any scale. I model the Reading, but more in an around the walls shelf type layout.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Back in 1975, my dad and I built an HO scale version of plan 97 - Philadelphia & Reading - from this book. I just moved this layout into its third home. Every move takes its toll, so I have a bit of rebuilding to do. I was wondering if anyone else had built this layout (I found a video on YouTube where someone built it in N scale). Maybe we could compare notes. Thanks.