doctorwayne Hmm. This isn't the first time I've terminated a thread by posting a bunch of pictures, but it's disappointing to have also seemingly frightened away a new member. Wayne
Hmm. This isn't the first time I've terminated a thread by posting a bunch of pictures, but it's disappointing to have also seemingly frightened away a new member.
Don't stop posting your photos Wayne. After a 30 year break, 6 years of building rolling stock and cars and a lot of research I'm starting on the benchwork of the first layout I have had since I was a teenager. I find your photos are a good inspiration (along with others here) and I learn a lot from them and your posts. Just because I don't always chime in, doesn't mean your effort to share isn't appreciated.
Wayne, super job, what a nice job on a really nifty kit!
On the lack of response, the trouble you went to, to provide desired info, may have been 100% "effective" if (who knows, or yet to be determined) the OP looked it over. The issue of course also relates to indivudual habits, including responding that the info was observed and helpful, and a (in this case since "thanks in advance offerred", a repeat) thanks. Perhaps if never heard from again, perhaps take some solice in knowing that the other viewers enjoyed the question and its answer; e.g., I did not know of that kit and would certainly consider it in a new or revised layout.
I've always appreciated your good info provided, including the pics worth a thousand words part, plus the quality of your work, so please "keep it up".
Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent
Wayne.....I know the feeling...LOL
Take Care!
to the MR forums, Larry.
I've built two of them, one for a friend who provided both, and the other for myself. Tichy kept the instructions rather general so that each modeller could build to either match a specific prototype or to suit his own requirements. Here's photos of mine before it was installed on the layout. Hope they'll be of some use:
The tower has since been installed on the upper level of my layout, but there's lots of work yet to be done. If you need additional photos, let me know and I'll see what I can do - it's not as accessible as it was in the first photos:
I am in the process of building the Tichy 400 Ton Concrete Coaling Tower - Kit #7010. Does anyone have a photo or better instructions from the view underneath the slope panels as to where to install the smaller parts i.e. chain rollers or chain idler pulley's in relationship to the coaling chutes. The kit instructions and photos don't describe or clearly show the locations of many of these smaller parts. Any advise would be greatly appreciative? Thank you!