Don't give up making your own. My wife and I use twigs from our yard and WS foliage in different green colores stretched over the twig armature. We use Aleene's glue to hold the foliage on the twig. After that we spray the foliage with hairspray and then sprinkle on loose ground foam with mixed colors. They look good and are pretty cheap and quick to make.
Hope this helps.
Hey guys
I need to figure out how to get a bunch of trees for my layout to make it look less than the giant plywood desert. I know this has been beaten to death with various articles and such but I'm looking to see what you guys do for making a bunch quickly, affordably and easily. I'm familar with the puffball method for a hillside, but I need some that have trunks. I tried making some with the puffballs and natural local outside branches but that didn't pan out well. I know of a club that makes them on the side as a fund raising project, but at the show I was at today they didn't have any.
What do you suggest?
Modeling the N&W freelanced at the height of their steam era in HO.
Daniel G.