I have clear lights for day. I have blue lights for nights ! Would red lights be good for dawn /dusk lighting?
CHARTER MEMBER OF THE MILWAUKEE FALLEN FLAG MODEL TRAIN CLUB . I COLLECT HO, N , O-3rail & On30 Trains & run them ! I Use KATO HO & N scale Track . I also Use Lionel Fast Track ! I change track layouts Often !
more like yellow, or orange, or yellow-orange-ish, at least around these here parts {maybe with some hints of pink-purple}
Depends, maybe with some blues mixed in with the reds, it might give you some hints of twilight "looking". But I think the red would be too much of the "angry sky" as noted in the phrase "red sky in morning, sailors take warning, Red sky at night, sailor's delight.
Good luck!
BTW I use "full daylight spectrum" bulbs around the house, and thusly in the train room. THey give a "daylight glow" that I think the clear incandescents would not give.
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
I agree with galaxy on using orange-yellow rather than red.
One thing I would suggest to take into consideration is that the intense lighting colours at dawn and dusk are very directional. They come from the east or the west, not "all over".
I haven't started my layout yet, other than some room dividers, but I have given some thought to how to simulate a setting sun. I think the ideal solution would be to have a gap of a few inches between the layout scenery and the sky backdrop so that the light source for the sun could come from under the benchwork and be aimed at the sky backdrop just below or at the horizon. I think that would give a decent impression of a rising or setting sun. The rest of the layout could be lit with a combination of a little white and some blue to suggest early morning or dusk. The problem with that plan is that it takes some space to implement, and the heat generated by a bright enough light to create the effect would have to be dealt with.
I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!
Have you tried using a dimmer switch for your overhead lights?
I'll have to agree,with other poster's on the yellow,orange color and also agree with,Bruce La,,on a dimmer switch...
I'd try several strands of orange rope lights, which should be available soon for the upcoming Halloween season.
I use GE blue rope lights in the rafters of my unfinished basement ceiling, which give off a nice even moonlit effect.