Am looking for a backdrop for my Saratoga Springs,NY scene dated 1900 to 1920. I need a backdrop 36" by 12" for HO scale. haven't found any on line yet. anyone have any ideas? Hoping for town or industrial area.
You're probably going to have to make your own. Check out the Bridge Lne Historical Society and maybe the Saratoga Historical Society for some photos of the period. They're likely to be just black & white so you're going to have colorize them with Photo Shop or something.
Most of the track would be rural except for maybe 3 or 4 blocks either side of the station. There was a big coal dealership oposite of the station. The original station was not where todays station is, it was about a mile further to the north east.
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thanks for the reply jay, I have some photos of the old railroad place area but none would make a good backdrop.
If you can use any image-editing program, even Paint that comes with Windows, you could just stitch together a scene from downloaded images or even photos you could take yourself. Staples and probably other office-supply places can take your image and print it on long-format roll paper or vinyl.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.