SO my son tore out page 53/54 from this book and it has disappeared, is there a chance someone could email me these pages so I could re-construct my book?
Thanks in advance.
Which edition and printing is it? does page 52 have the Wiscona Route and page 55 start "Railroads for large spaces" or is it "Pacific Great Eastern RR"?
Twenty-first printing. The missing plans are #85, Ardmore, Cadosia & Fairmill RR, and #86 Cajon Pass, Salt Lake & Santa Fe RR.
Page 52 is The Wiscona Route, Page 55 is PGE RR.
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Jeff, I might have that lying around somewhere. If I can find it, I'll see if it's the edition and pages you're looking for.
I have the plans you are asking about. I'm not sure the best way to get them to you?
I just got 'em scanned also. PM me and I'll send 'em.
Sent the scans the other night. Even in just FAX mode they were huge. Hope you got them. If not send me a note and I'll send them one at at time to make the e-mail smaller.