Here's the second layout I built in 2005/06 but didn't quite finish (let's face they are never ever really finished). If you like the style of layouts that I build and you have any questions about model railroad building techniques, I'd be glad to help. Give it a look!Layout Page Link: & questions always welcome! Have great day! Mark
I visited your homepage. Some nice shots - you have certainly captured the flavor of the "dry country"!
Thanks Ulrich...If I'd had more time with this layout it would have seen more foliage for sure. Thanks for the compliment. Best regards, Mark
Sir Madog Mark, I visited your homepage. Some nice shots - you have certainly captured the flavor of the "dry country"!
Mark great layout!......I have one question.....Why did you do the scenery before the ballast on the track?
Also your roads look very real. Keep us all updated.
I would appreciate it if you would check out my "Great Dream Layout Quest" thread elsewhere in this section. I'd love to get your comments and suggestions!
Darrell, quiet...for now
Beautiful layout! I'm really impressed with the signals, also, something that can often get 'lost in the mix' so to speak. That's some very impressive modeling. Definitely keep us updated on the progress.
Tomkat: A lot of modelers (myself included) prefer to put the ballast in last on the MR, after the scenery is installed and the track is running smoothly. It gives a more 'natural' flow to the ballast on the scenery.
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
twhite Tomkat: A lot of modelers (myself included) prefer to put the ballast in last on the MR, after the scenery is installed and the track is running smoothly. It gives a more 'natural' flow to the ballast on the scenery.
Me too!
Gee, how many Marks, Marcs, Marcusses and so on do we have on this forum?! I've lost track.
If you're asking why I put all the structures, accessories and folige on first...Nothing was permanently installed since it was always was a re-arrangement in progress. I could clear the layout in about 15 minutes if I wanted to all the way down to the hardshell. It's kind of how I and enjoy it for a while, think about stuff, enjoy it...clear it and rework it...repaeat until satisfied...Hope that helps...M
dgwinup Mark, I would appreciate it if you would check out my "Great Dream Layout Quest" thread elsewhere in this section. I'd love to get your comments and suggestions! Thanks, Darrell, quiet...for now
Hey Darrell - I'll check it out and see if I can come up with some suggestions. Mark
Wow, you got a knack for layouts man! Love the placement of the indsutries and mainline on that layout!
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
I appreciate the compliments. Best regards, Mark
Packers#1 Wow, you got a knack for layouts man! Love the placement of the indsutries and mainline on that layout!
Great looking layout. Could you please post the trackplan?
mcddhawk4 Great looking layout. Could you please post the trackplan?
Let me see if I can find it...If I can't I'll sketch one up and post it..Thanks - Mark
twhite Mark: Beautiful layout! I'm really impressed with the signals, also, something that can often get 'lost in the mix' so to speak. That's some very impressive modeling. Definitely keep us updated on the progress. Tomkat: A lot of modelers (myself included) prefer to put the ballast in last on the MR, after the scenery is installed and the track is running smoothly. It gives a more 'natural' flow to the ballast on the scenery. Tom
Signals to me are one of the most important elements of a model rairoad. I'm not a master at signal functionality or prototypical operation but you gotta have some on your layout. Mother nature comes first - then the ballast :)
Here's a rough sketch of the track plan from memory and rechecking the photos. It's not to scale but close. Questions??? Hit me up. Thanks - Mark
I'll be starting the extraction of my current layout that sold, the "Parker Subdivision" tomorrow. I'll be posting the daily details with photos on my blog at for those of you that would like to see a good size layout get dismantled & removed.
I hope the trackplan that I posted about my Taylor Sub has been helpful. Let me know if you have any questions on that.
Thanks. Mark - Bakoart