Hi guys
Has any one built this kit and made the signal work if so how??
I am about to order one and would like any hints tips etc from any one who has built it, as it is a white metal / model pewter kit and I have not built a structure kit like this before.
Although I know it will be a steep learning curve would like a usable building at the end.
Would D238 Rocky's Tavern be a better first off kit of this type.
regards John
I have a Rocky's Tavern on my HO scale layout. When placed side by side with an HO scale buiding from any other manufacturer, the WS kits are rather small.
Priming and painting their metal castings is difficult if you have never worked with white metal previously, and the amount of flash that must be cleaned up seemed excessive.
I doubt that a metal casting of a semaphore in a WS kit could be made operational. If you want an operating signal, you'll probably have to get one from another manufacturer, such as Tomar or NJ Internatiional.
Hi cacole
Thanks for response
Rather small is good as long as it is in scale small
I do not have a lot of room to play with if a train set will not fit in the space then its to big.
My hope was the signal is cast as separate pieces so if nesassary the arm can be replaced and some how made to work.
That would be a nice touch if the only signal on the proposed line actually worked.
I have painted war games figures so painting should not be a drama.
That only leaves the rest of it to worry about, may be Rocky's would be a better start project