Born in Buffalo, NY in 1947. My grandfather worked on the Erie Lackawanna in Buffalo until April 1951 when he passed away. I've been interested in trains all my life. I was in a model RR club from 1976 until 1984. It was in the Akron, NY area where I live now. I did some serious train watching from 1977-1984. My train watching buddy and I went as far New Hampshire to the East, Wisconsin to the west, Maryland to the south, and Burlington, Ont. Canada to the north. The two most memorable trips have got to be: Burlington, Ont. and the last one that went across Canada to Pontiac MI. where we actually started and went up through Michigan to Wisconsin to Ill. across Indiana and Ohio and Pennsylvania and back home all in 4 days. Whew! My buddy and parted ways in 1984 because he wanted to buy and Model Railroad store and my wife and I bought a new house. We got together to train watch and reminisce occasionally. He passed away suddenly in 2002 at the age of 49. I just retired in August of this year and have just found the time to start looking again.
Sorry, no special talents or amazing story to dazzel you with.