I'm more of a scale modeler than a railroad guy. I'm primarily interested in the DM&IR, mostly because we had a spur when I worked at my dad's scrap yard in Virginia, MN back in the 1990 time frame. I plan to model a DM&IR proto freelance (increasing freight by a lot, and integrating a fictional logging branch line) in HO, set in 1960. I know some electronics and coding, and am particularly interested in automation and hand-laying track. I think I may be more interested in construction than actually running trains, but we'll see how that goes when I have a functioning layout.
I envision rather a John Allen - style floor to ceiling plan than a more modern "levels" style. I'm less concerned about visual and operating realism than I am making cool terrain, features, etc., and running trains through them.
My other interests are scale modeling (mostly science fiction), tabletop gaming, computer gaming, tropical fish, and generally making stuff.