Please, let's play nice Locked

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Please, let's play nice
Posted by Rene Schweitzer on Thursday, March 1, 2007 10:52 AM

I've just spent a bunch of time editing and deleting posts that were either off topic, rude, or not helpful. Please, if you are unable to answer a question, do not post just to post.

We are here to share information and ideas, not put down others because of what they run/like etc. There's room enough for all ways of thinking here. 

Something else to think about: if someone comes to this forum to ask a question and gets blasted with negative comments and bashing, what kind of impression are we making on them about this hobby? We don't want to foster a negative environment and discourage people.

Thank you for reading this. Now back to our regularly scheduled posts. . . 

Rene Schweitzer

Classic Toy Trains/Garden Railways/Model Railroader

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