Paul's Scrapbook

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Posted by Postwar Paul on Friday, March 13, 2020 1:07 PM

Thank you, Eric!

To know where you're going, sometimes you have to remember where you've been....


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Posted by York1 on Friday, March 13, 2020 1:39 PM

Very nice!  I'll bet it was hard to give it up.

York1 John       

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Posted by Postwar Paul on Friday, March 13, 2020 6:47 PM

It was. And the last 2 years we lived there, I would try to run it every weekend, or as much as possible since a move was imminent.The changes that layout went through:

in the beginning, it looked like a garden railroad superimposed on the backyard. Over time, things grew in, and the railroad looked at home in it's environment. The track changes: this is what I call the " phase 4" trackplan. It is 2 independent loops connecting through a pair of switches. This allows for 2 train operations. It is track powered, and all 1 block.Some engines have a polarity switch which allows me to run the 2 trains in oposite direction. The pictures are from March 2017, near the end of the line.

Also, from 2007 on, I was trying to shift to 1:20.3 scale for accurate 3 foot modeling. This is reflected in my structures, the caboose and skeleton log cars. I still ran the smaller trains on the inner loop.


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