HO Outdoors

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HO Outdoors
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, July 20, 2001 2:32 AM
I love the sight of a long train on a long stretch of relatively straight track with a few realistically long curves. Can't do it indoors, so I envision a simple point-to-point H.O. garden railroad. Can anyone recommend UV-safe track in H.O. scale? I know I'm not the first to consider this, and there are bound to be reasons why not to use a small scale (rail expansion/contraction and gauge tolerance come to mind), so I'd appreciate hearing anyone's thoughts before I go out and start grading roadbed.
Thanks, Craig
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 23, 2001 1:16 AM
Talk about timing! The header article on the homepage of today talked about small scale garden railroading and answered my question! Cool! Time to get the Silica Valley up and running, or at least run the grade stakes.

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