K-line Mikado video problem?

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K-line Mikado video problem?
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 24, 2003 8:54 PM
Every time I try to view the K-line scale Mikado video on the CTT website I get a message that the network connection is down. Any one else have this problem? It doesn't matter if its Windows Media or Quicktime version
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K-line Mikado video problem?
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 24, 2003 8:54 PM
Every time I try to view the K-line scale Mikado video on the CTT website I get a message that the network connection is down. Any one else have this problem? It doesn't matter if its Windows Media or Quicktime version
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 24, 2003 9:57 PM
I've got a cable modem, so I'm able to view the videos. Of course, the videos are not exactly high quality, and are tiny, to boot. It's almost not worth my viewing them (I have a 19" monitor set to a high resolution, 1280x1024 pixels).

I would recommend that in the future, they use some additional lighting -- the Mikado looks like a black blob with a head light on it on my screen.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 24, 2003 9:57 PM
I've got a cable modem, so I'm able to view the videos. Of course, the videos are not exactly high quality, and are tiny, to boot. It's almost not worth my viewing them (I have a 19" monitor set to a high resolution, 1280x1024 pixels).

I would recommend that in the future, they use some additional lighting -- the Mikado looks like a black blob with a head light on it on my screen.


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