Kadee Coupler Adapter for American Flyer Legacy Pacific

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Kadee Coupler Adapter for American Flyer Legacy Pacific
Posted by Hud464 on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 4:13 PM

I am moving to Kadee Couplers on my American Flyer ( modern S scale) Layout.  I am trying to decide which Scale coupler adapter fits my legacy Pacific.   These were not included with the Pacific loco as it is with the U36 and U33 diesels, but the screw holes are in the tender to mount the adapter.   I contacted Lionel, but they have not been much help.  Has anyone used an adapter from another locomotive that fits?   The U33c adapter is too wide.  Thanks for any assistance.

I recently moved from Lionel O Legacy to American Flyer S due to space considerations.   

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