Lionel prewar 711 turnout questions

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Lionel prewar 711 turnout questions
Posted by James Huff on Thursday, July 13, 2023 11:11 PM

So I was at a garage sale and normaly I don't by rusted tubular track but I saw a box of lionel model building track and a pair of 711 turnouts with a decent amount of rust on the tops of the rails and I up coming home with that box of 072 track for 2 dollars I have read somewhere stating that rusted track is not worth fixing up but I am up for the challenge especially since it barely cost me anything in the first place the main questions I have are how do I convert these turnouts for fixed voltage, how can I tell if my 711 turnouts have the non derailing feature and is it possible to use the same machine covers that the 022 turnouts use?

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