Help fixing a 2245 Texas special

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Help fixing a 2245 Texas special
Posted by James Huff on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 10:20 AM

I recently paid 20 dollars for a 2245 Texas special with box as is! I still think I scored on a excellent deal despite the original d cell battery was caked in there with acid all over the frame, and a bit of acid on the eunit, I was extremely surprised when it ran full speed foward with the light shining brightly when I ran it on a 054 circle with the throttle up all the way on my pw 275w zw transformer!!

Since then I managed to get the battery out least deactivated the acid with baking soda. There still is some deactivated acid on the frame and I need help with getting the eunit and horn working! I don't know how I am going upload photos of the 2245 frame though.

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