Thank-you Becky

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Thank-you Becky
Posted by smokey1 on Sunday, January 22, 2023 9:42 PM

You posted this Dec 26 2010. I was searching for this info tonight and there it was. 

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!

I have the car in front of me with the bottom of the U shaped groove for the switch pointing towards me.  As I flip it over, with the groove now facing away from me, this is what I see:

Rudimentary diagram of the 4 screws:

L1   R1

L2  R2

The wires from the pick-ups on both trucks are connected to the top left screw, L1.  The wire from the light on the left of the car passes through the frame and is wired to the screw at bottom left, L2.  The wire from the other light goes to the screw on the top right, R1, and nothing is connected to the screw on the bottom right, R2.

However, I don't think this is the way it came from the factory.  The wire from the right truck looks stretched to reach all the way to the top left screw at L1.  So I think someone must have moved it from the bottom right screw, R2 to the top left, L1, to get both lamps to light at the same time.

Hope this helps!  This really is a great car!


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Posted by smokey1 on Sunday, January 22, 2023 9:43 PM

I actually have 2 I need to do this to.

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