Review, I Love Toy Trains #11

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Review, I Love Toy Trains #11
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 12, 2002 4:30 PM
Review: I Love Toy Trains # 11

I am definitely a deprived person! A few years ago I had the privilege of viewing the TM Books & Video “I Love Toy Trains” video.
This past week I had the fun of watching the TM Books & Video “I Love Toy Trains # 11.”
I’ve never seen ”I Love Toy Trains,” numbers 2 through 10. Big mistake on my part. I’ve got a lot of “catching up” to do. The whole series produced by TM Books & Video is about FUN in capital letters.
TM Books “I Love Toy Trains #11,” from the clanging of the bell and Ward Kimball’s cheerful hello wave to the closing futuristic (?), flying saucer segment, is about nothing but fun with toy trains! And it’s not just for kids. I’m far from being a “kid” but I came away from watching this video feeling light, cheerful, and with a desire to go play with my trains.

Joe Stachler’s, vidoegraphy of Toy Trains is without peer! It is far above any I’ve seen in the past. No one else comes close in my opinion.

The entire video is fun and whimsical. It is truly about having fun with your toy trains!
The first toy train you see is the TM Books and Video, “I Love Toy Trains,” very colorful Docksider freight train, quickly followed by my personal all time favorite at top screen the Southern Pacific Daylight Steam Passenger Train.
This video is a lighthearted combination of Tinplate and Hi-Rail fun, coupled with educational topics like railroad history, geography, marine biology, astronomy, business mergers, science fiction, magic, nostalgia, and the postwar toy train hall of fame. There is something for EVERYONE!
Vinnie the puppet is funny and cute from the word go! Fast Eddies place is a real “rocker.”
The song’s and music of James Coffey is real “down home,” toe tapping Railroading.
There are even special effects in this video, some of which I am privileged to know how its done and some of which I do not know; so I’m left saying to myself, “Now how did they do that?” Joe Stachler is truly a master of toy train vidoegraphy.

I could not end this review without mentioning the masterful hosting and narration by a very handsome young man, Jeff McComas. (I could use his hair stylist!)

The subtle salute and “thanks” to our fire, police and military is very fitting.

If you want a ½ hour of fun, good train music, great special effects, and just toy trains, you’ll find this “I Love Toy Trains #11” video an excellent buy and a perfect way to spend 35 minutes over and over, because I guarantee, you will not be able to watch it just once!
I give it 5 stars!

Happy Rails
Don Grabski

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