Finally tried it just to see what would happen

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Finally tried it just to see what would happen
Posted by overall on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 7:15 AM

I had posted a question to the forum a while back asking whether pre war 600 cars and 2600 reproduction O gauge cars would negotiate fastrac switches w/o derailing. I finall bought an 036 fastrac switch and a loop of fastrac and set it up on the floor. The test train consisted of a vintage 226E steam locomotive some original per-war 600 and reproduction 2600 series frieght cars. I am pleased to report that the test rain negotiated this "layout" w/o any problems. In fact, it was a fairly impressive sight. I think the pre war trains have a certain presence all their own. I will probably be buying more of it as time goes on.


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Posted by arkady on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 2:12 PM

I don't know how a 226E is constructed.  But I can tell you that the big driver gears on my 252 and 1700 don't like FasTrack switches at all.


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Posted by Penny Trains on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 7:05 PM

Yeah you really have to do a lot of trial and error to find out what's compatable with modern track systems.  My wobbly little 259 (which desparately needs new wheels) loves RealTrax and but hates Lionel tubular O.  Similarly, my Marx 999 hates the RealTrax operating section.  It jumps higher than an olympic gymnast when the gears hit the center magnet.


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