ZW whistle reverse assembly

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ZW whistle reverse assembly
Posted by wkmanley on Friday, June 29, 2012 9:11 PM

I checked the olsen diagrams but they do not have a detail of the assembly that covers the axels on the right side of the transformer.  Mine is apart and I want to be sure to assemble the various  parts correctly.

ANyone have a diagram?

Also, there must be a procedure to assemble the inner voltage ring (which is the part I am replacing) and the throttle handle.  SInce it is spring loaded I thought I would assemble it placing the holding pin in first and then the inner ring and outer throttle isnulators and contacts and washers in the correct order, olsen has a diagram for that. Then place  it in the transformer and assemble the whistle reverse on top of it.

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Posted by TrainLarry on Saturday, June 30, 2012 2:03 AM

The right and left side assemblies are essentially identical, albeit mirror images of each other. If you have not disassembled the left side, use it as a guide to reassemble the right side, using the the service manual images as a reference. As I recall, it takes patience, and strong, nimble fingers to get everything together and get that last retaining pin in place.


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