CTT Index

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CTT Index
Posted by LittleTommy on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 1:17 PM
I have subscribed to Model Railroader for over 20 years and was a charter subscriber to CTT. Every year MR binds into each issue sent to a subscriber an index of the previous year, and in the first few years, so did CTT. However, in the last few years, CTT has forced subscribers who want an index to write to them to request an index. When I have called or written the editor to protest, I have been blown off or treated like a nut case.

I think this is a sign of disrespect to those of us involved in toy trains, as if our field of interest is not important enough to merit an index(just as we are not important enough to merit our own area on this website but instead are lumped into the general "Model Trains" area)

I am frustrated that those of us involved in toy trains, who generate substancial income for Kalmbach are treated so shabbily.
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Posted by LittleTommy on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 1:22 PM
Sorry, I goofed. The index in MR is bound into the February issue mailed to each subscriber.I hope I didn't confuse anyone.
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Posted by Algonquin on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 9:13 PM
Hi Tom,

The CTT indexes are available for printing in a nice format on this website. I think they were added today. See the the other thread on CTT indexes.

Tim P.

A penny saved is a penny earned. But every once in a while it is good to treat yourself to a gum ball.

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Posted by LittleTommy on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:41 PM
Tim,I don't see the 2000 Index on this website, but I already HAVE the 2000 index for Model Railroader, it was bound into my Feb. issue of MR and I didn't have to download it, nor pay for the ink or paper to print it myself or pay for a stamp to have it sent to me. It was a benefit of subscription to a "serious model railroad magazine", but CTT doesn't offer its' subscribers a similar benefit. The other "serious model railroad magazine"(RMC) also gives its' subscribers this benefit. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I'm just plain annoyed with the poor service we are getting from Kalmbach.
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Posted by Algonquin on Thursday, January 25, 2001 8:33 AM
Hi Thomas,

Things are changing very fast on this website. This seems to especially be the case with the indexes for CTT. I thought I remember CTT publishing the rational for dropping the index from the hard copy of the magazine. This would have been around early 1996. The 1987-1994 are all in the magazines.

I checked this morning and the 1995 and 2000 are not posted in acrobat format. 1995 and 2000 are available on the site, but they are not formated to print as nicely as the acrobat fromated ones.

I tend to prefer the electronic versions, since I prefer to search through them by key words. My biggest problem with the indexes is that there is not ONE consistent format. I would be happy with all bound or all electronic. Currently we have to search the 87-94 manually and the 95-00 electronically. I printed the 96-99 so that I could review them manually, however I am still not able to get a nice hard copy of 95 or 00.

Ultimately I would like to have 87-00 electronically. If they were all available in Acrobat format, they could be combined into one large searchable file.

But so far all we have is the current mixture. Maybe CTT will provide us with some clarification as to what the plans are for the indexes.

Tim P.

A penny saved is a penny earned. But every once in a while it is good to treat yourself to a gum ball.

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