"Keep in mind that this is the CTT forum and tubular track and classic toy trains go together. Other forums might give you a different result."
And to carry that thought process a little further, there are a good many people who read, but NEVER post anything on the train forums (plural). I know, I've talked to these people. I ask them why, and they say it's of no pressing interest, but they like to check things out. I think they approach the trains as more hobby and less of an obsession. And of those I know like this, it's 100% tubular: either 0 or 027. And their trains are either postwar, MPC or basic no-frills modern.
As for myself, it goes without saying: 027 track. It's affordable, easily modified, and made to look better with a little effort. And as CNW said, that's the track I got when I started buying sets and getting into the hobby. A few K-Line Cross Country sets and I had several engines, enough cars and enough track to really get going.
I know there's nicer stuff out there I know, but count me odd... I don't want it. I don't even wish I could have it. I actually really like the trains I have!! I do.
They didn't cost a fortune and that none have ever needed factory repairs. And I have MPC locos with 35+ years on them that still work, as do all my orginal K-Line Alcos, S-2's and MP-15's and lastly my publically misaligned starter Lionel 4-4-2 steamers.