Just a thought.

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    December 2001
  • From: GB
  • 376 posts
Just a thought.
Posted by JanOlov on Sunday, December 7, 2003 6:06 AM
It's winter, a snowblizzard has just passed away and sky is braking up.
What you see is a full moon, stars and several feet of fresh snow, covering almost everything, trees, houses and telephoneposts.
You're standing at a roadcrossing and suddenly your hear the sound of a steamlocomotive working hard with its passenger/freighttrain,
everynow and then you're hearing its steamwhistle through the cold midwinter air. Before yourself you see the engineer and fireman working hard to keep their train on time, with the cold air hitting their faces when they lean
out to wave to everyone that waves to them as they pass. And you think to
yourself, will they be on time?
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket All the best! Jan


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