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Posted by siberianmo on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:31 PM
Dave Meet Mr. Walker! [tup] [swg]

My S-gauge progress is kinda like the kid with an apetite bigger than his stomach - remember that from your childhood[?]

Several things have to fall into place:
(1) ceiling suspension system has to be altered to accomodate the 7x8 ft framework.
Communicating with manufacturer to ascertain yes/no.
(2) S-Trax track has to be available.
Communicating with SHS to ascertain yes/no.
(3) Loco's and rolling stock has to be available.
Communicating with Port Lines hobbies to ascertain yes/no.
(4) Order what I need and "go for it."

First op session, optimistically speaking, should be one month from today, given that everything I want is available.

A friend of mine has/had a lead on two Gilbert AF sets (sans transformers) that supposedly are vintage "stuff" - one the Santa Fe passenger set of the 1950's (drool) and the other a freight w/steam engine (roadname unknown). The guy who wants/wanted to get rid of this stuff has had them since new and claims they are in great shape and in original boxes. Wants to ensure that they go to someone who "cares" about these kinds of trains. (!) Anway, I thought that I would be getting them early last month .... unfortunately, the owner of the trains has been out of the country for awhile and who knows when or if this will materialize. I can just envision those sight-unseen trains - just like those Department Store window displays of years past - methinks! (drool)

The way HO stuff is going these days, I'm not surprised that some S-scale items may be cheaper. My HO layout is hardly upscale nor DCC, the latter is where the costs are. My HO layout is wired the old fasioned way - common rail wiring - lots of toggle switches and insulated rail joiners. Runs just fine with two MRC Tech IV power packs - four trains running independtly of one another. It would have been soooooo easy to blow a bundle on upscale stuff ..... but didn't. Got all the roadnames I wanted in loco's and passenger cars and RDC's. Couldn't do that with S. Tried, a couple of years ago. Didn't work then and it doesn't appear much has changed. Kinda have to just settle for what's out there with S. That's the downside for me.

Another Mr. Walker? [tup] [swg]
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:39 PM
Tom-now there`s a thought-might be able to make Toronto next summer if sisters health allows her to return to her job out there (free lodgings). Would be delighted to host an event although shipping all you guys here makes less sense financially than me going there -hey,maybe we could all ride the Northlander !!! -Failing that I`m sure some sort of `conference` link could be set up..........P.S Logo design progressing well,one link still required in dubious logic chain to support-Is the Wisconsin Central a wholly owned C.N subsidiary ? P.P.S --slightly baffled, S scale-1:64 S gauge ???,fish & chip night tomorrow,will speak again then, modem permitting, regards to Carol,nick
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Posted by siberianmo on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:48 PM
NickI KNEW you'd like this idea and Toronto would be outstanding as a first rendezvous site. However, I encourage our regulars (#1 thru #9) to send me an Email with your thoughts, if you are uncomfortable with "airing" it here in cyber space.

From the Wisconsin Central's web site:
QUOTE: On January 30, 2001, Wisconsin Central and Canadian National announced that they had reached an agreement on CN's acquisition of WC. When the U.S. Surface Transportation Board released its final approval of the transaction on September 7, 2001, CN President and CEO Paul M. Tellier welcomed both the decision and the opportunity to build an even stronger NAFTA network for the benefit of customers, stockholders, and employees. Said WC President and CEO Thomas Power: "It's time for WC to become part of a larger North American rail network, and CN is the perfect partner."

You are correct about the S-scale 1:64. I think the best way to explain S-gauge is consider the S-scale as being of realism, whereas S-gauge is more typical of the old Gilbert American Flyer - toys as such. Larger wheelsets and couplers, just less realism with the S-gauge.

Yes - fisn 'n chips on Thursday - don't forget Nick's Picks!

Reciprocal regards from my bride and Juneau [tup] [swg]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 9:17 PM
Oh, my Hanes and Jockey incumberances! Please understand that Pub Stools #1 thru # 40 (in omni directions) make no difference as to our friendship. There sre so many erstwhile "Brothers," that any sort of rating can be only be arbitrary! By the way Tom, it hasn't escaped anyone's notice that the "# 2 Stool" is the one that needs a couple of Molsin's coasters under the legs for "steady ballast."

Nick, while I appreciate your discretion toward "stuffed Dolmas" and the like; Curry is the only condiment that this humble Oxidental cannot survive. Mahta (my Hungarian friend), will simply need do without her provrencial preference, I'm afraid! In any case Tom, the intersticies between Ruthy and Mahta will be covertly arranged according to "work schedules." et al.

Tom, I don't know how anyone could "break your heart" more than this story: When I moved from my house in Tulsa Ok, I informed my Sister that the S gauge [American Flyer- - Northern, Hudson and sixteen freight and passenger cars- - which I purchased for my nephew's X-mas would remain in the garage for their retrieval. Mein Gott! She forgot about the "cache" and everything fell into the hands of the Buyer, tut suite!

Gentlemen, please forgive this ongoing delirium. Whilst trying to "catch-up," I've fallen victim to the late hour and "Royal's" embrace. I'll try again tomorrow [if there is one] to say: "I give-up!" Thanks again Chrisy, you have good taste in Proprietors. Happy rails gang, Ted
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:12 PM
I suppose the Canary Islands are "out" for any realisitc projections? [Not much for anything save drooling at any rate]. Depending on the "time frame," I'm "up" for any reasonable suggestion. If during the summer months, Toronto seems convenient (especially with the "Under Briny Speed Rail System"), however, during winter hoildays; my puny physical demeanor cries out...YIKES! I am looking forward to every and all suggestions for a real (not cyber) itenerary for this most intruiging (if not bizaare) conflagration. Please use my MSN address (which Tom will be apprised of) for future input. Happy rails and please dont forget the spatula Nick. Best regards to one and all. Ted
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Posted by trolleyboy on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:28 PM
Good evening everyone. Tom i'm stopping in earlier this evening so I can enjoy a nice Sleemans honney brown and a wonderfull black angus steak medium rare.Nick I have some nice fresh NS lobster will it be of use tomorrow night as a "pick" Well looks like we lost one of the lobsters. Boris is struggling with it behind the bar,I think the lobsters winning. Ruthy is laughing so hard that I think she's lost a contact. Tom I think toronto would be a good start point for a get together as well. Via goes allot of places from there.I'll "e" you a suggestion later.I want to give everyone a tale of two streetcars. In 1953 the TTC decided that their historical collection, was too large and too expensive to maintain,so much of it was to be scrapped.Particullarly two wooden early century cars from the TTC's predessesor systems.( The TTC we now have was the amalgamation of 4 separate city and interurban syatems. The Toronto railway Company, the Toronto Civic Railway, the Toronto Suburban(TO to Guelph interurban),and the North York Radial Railway) Appalled at the loss of these two irreplacable cars Toronto Civic 55 and Toronto railway Company 1326) seven young men at a New Years eve party decided that they should do something about it. They litterally passed a hat and scrapped enough money together to Purchase 1326 at it's scrap value. One of these young men a mechanic for the TTC busses persuaded his boss to have 55 donated to their cause. The OERHA ( Ontario Electric railway Historical Society) They further persuaded the TTC to store these two cars while they sought a new home for them( Dad's backyard was not an option)in 1956 a small rural plot of land was purchased from CN for the back taxes. Oddly enough this piece of land was part of the Toronto Suburban's abandoned right of way between Milton and Guelph, joining the party at this time was another interurban car Montreal and Southern Counties 107. And thus the Halton County Radial Railway was born. Still volenteer built still volunteer operated. and now the first three cars. Car # 1 TRC 1326 a 1910 TR car built in the company shops one of three hundred such cars. (1300-1710) The second car is Toronto civic 55 Preston car and coach manufactured in 1915. Wooden single truck double ended cars. and finally car #33 Montreal and Southern Counties 107 interurban combine built in 1912 by Ottawa Car and Coach also a wooden double ended car. Good night all Rob
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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:30 AM
Morning again! Thursday is here and fish ‘n chips night starts at 5 PM! [tup] [:)]

Let’s get right to the SUMMARY shall we[?]
QUOTE: earlydiesels
Posted: 08 June 2005, 14:10:15

Hello everyone. Thanks for all the kind words and support. I appreciate it! I'll take an Alexander’s, please. The contact at the freight RR called last night and we talked for almost an hour. We have been trying to find a house for rent but the town where we are interested in living has a dearth of rental. That seems to be the holdup. Apparently, the assistant trainmaster wishes me to take some training in the town where corporate is and try out the job, the company, and the people before we actually move the 130 some odd miles. That way, the wife won't give up her longtime job with good benefits if I should decide the area or the work is not for me. This guy is really nice-best of all, he seems on the level.
Since as a historical demonstration railroad engineer, I've never handled over 6 or 7 cars, this will be a big change. He realizes this and that is the reasoning behind the training at corporate with the most experienced engineer the company has. The logistics of planning this move are boggling my mind. I've been a pro mover before but neither of us have ever lived anyplace but Spfld. The company promises to provide relocation help but the aforementioned housing shortage? is slowing us up. If it is meant to be, it will.
Tom, I'm used to sitting in the back-can I move stool #7? The Morant pix are great. I'd go with the first one. The more I visit OUR PLACE, the more I want to visit Canada, but that all goes back to reading RAILROAD magazine beginning at age 7. I actually remember Morant as an Interesting Railfan. Quite a man with a spectacular body of work

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 08 June 2005, 14:26:31
Hello earlydiesels - You ARE early today - so here's your Alexander Keith's finest Pale Ale. Go ahead and move the stool anywhere you'd like. At the end of the day, Boris will get 'em all put back where they belong. [tup] [:)]

I'm trying to envision where you are NOW - Springfield, MO, correct? And WHERE will you be ultimately running out of? And for what RR? Well, no matter what, nothing ventured, nothing gained - as the saying goes! Good luck to you. [tup] [:)]

Glad you liked those Morant book cover pix - undoubtedly the books are filled with some fine work. Regarding rail travel in Canada, I've never had a reason to complain. My wife and I have been riding VIA Rail (also BC Rail) for about 15 years and have some terrific memories and pix. Helps to have family in Nova Scotia! Anyway, we've made the cross-Canada round trip twice. That's something else indeed. Ever get the chance - do it.

Have another ...... [:)]

QUOTE: West Coast S Posted: 08 June 2005, 16:06:45
Top of the day Tom and the gang...#8 responding to your S scale project. I read your post in the Model RR section, sounds like a plan! I of course model to scale set in the mid 1920s period which can be daunting due to no available steam that is correct for SP. I'm kinda out of luck at the moment as I could use one more 2-6-0 kit which won't be in stock until December. I do enjoy the swaps for raiding used American Flyer for future scale conversions, speaking of AF, once upon a time they produced a semi-scale SP shorty Vanderbuilt tender, if you ever run across one could you be so kind as to pass the info along? Now to the recap my previous postings:

To those who responded favorably to my PE preservation update, I was glad to share the current efforts going on to preserve its history. Quite a bit of the PE remains if one knows where to look and there are serious discussions ongoing pertaining to reconstructing parts it in downtown and the port area to draw the tourist trade dollars.

Several weeks ago I spent some time trackside with a group of good friends, Arriving at my hotel at 4 am after a nine hour drive from LA, this after being on duty the previous 14 days, man i'm beat, thank god for Ensure!

Meeting the gang for breakfast was like old home week. Some of these muggs I've not seen in 22 years. We made our way to the former location of Stockton Tower. The morning started out slow but traffic eventually improved. As I stood there, it occurred to me I don't know squat nor do I care to know squat about modern railroading, I couldn't tell you the difference between a SD80MAC and a 2005 Audi! Nevertheless I was intrigued by the foreign power from CSX and NS that rolled by. Suffice to say UP and BNSF push some traffic through here. I observed 15 BNSF and 12 UP movements plus Amtrak in six hours. Not to shabby!

I remember when SP,SF and WP ruled the manned tower junction with BN and UP being foreign visitors. My love of classic railroading, the era I grew up in and interacted with on a daily basis provides found memories that the modern scene just can't compare to. Just being with old friends, visiting the old haunts and recalling the old times made the trip worthwhile.

The trip ended after two days, not as long as originally planned and 90% of the to -do list was not fulfilled, but it was necessary to report back to LA by Monday morning to cover some staffing shortages. Despite the short duration, it was a most satisfying weekend, good company, good memories and a good time by all concerned.


QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 08 June 2005, 19:13:34
Hello Dave - West Coast S Nice having you stop by to share a thought or two with us.

Contrary to your S scale efforts, this particular endeavor of mine is simply to enter the S world with a small layout featuring simple operations. My plans are for passenger and freight consists running on dual main lines. That's about it. Of course my mains will be interconnected with crossover turnouts, a passing siding and parallel sidings for idle freight cars. That's it. My choice to go with S gauge as opposed to S scale had more to do with interoperatibility than anything else. Translated: I want to ensure that the "stuff" I purchase from one source will "work" with the track system from another and so forth. Seems that S gauge affords me this flexibility. Strange how the price is higher for S gauge loco's and rolling stock than for S scale. Also not really enthralled with the limited selections for roadnames and the like. BUT - the size is great - and this layout will be more for "play" than anything else. My HO empire is where it's at insofar as realism is concerned. Maybe one day, my S gauge effort will "grow" as well ......f

Sure, should I come across anything at all that you're interested in - let me know (as you have) - and I'll look.

My favorite railroads all were reflective of the part of the country I grew up in - the northeast. The PRR - NYC - NH and B&M were RR's I can personally relate to - oh yes, also the B&O - can't forget them. Anyway, times change and as with Anvil Salesmen, those roads are long gone, along with many of the people who made 'em what they grew to be. Same can be said of this country's maritime industry - what we called our Merchant Marine fleet. My father was a "Merchie" for most of his adult life. Look around and tell me how many U.S. flag vessels can be found in our ports these days?

So, I too notice the "intruders" and reflect on what used to be. With railroading it's relatively easy to bring it all back - though my hobby. It will always "live" for me just as long as those model trains occupy their places of honor on my layouts and within my display cases.

Glad your weekend getaway was rewarding and worth the sacrifice in terms of family, etc. Good way to recharge the batteries, don't you think[?]

Okay, #8 - whatillyahave? [tup] [:)]


QUOTE: nickinwestwales Posted: 08 June 2005, 19:38:26
Well gents, an extreme honour which I am naturally delighted to accept, not least `cos I`ve just spent 9 hours working on a neighbours garden in some serious heat & my feet are killing me....Short & sweet tonight, failing modem connection,

Tom-thanks for pointer to Inuit site-Saskia definitely more like Juneau in colouring- possibly a "smudge" on her pedigree somewhere...

*** & Al -welcome back, drinks for all!! Well to celebrate my recent elevation & the return of our roving correspondents

lets go for the biggie- The flight of the Mallard. First, a little background. Gresley`s Pacific loco`s for the London & North Eastern Railway were developed from the A1 class-"Flying Scotsman" et al through the A3 `super pacifics` to the streamlined A4`s which featured smaller cylinders,larger piston valves and extensive internal streamlining of steam ways etc after the work of Andre Chapelon. The purpose of this was to improve max. speeds in normal use from 90 to 110 mph on the Kings Cross-Waverly & Aberdeen runs. Obviously, a commensurate increase in stopping power was required. Thus ,a series of Sunday test runs were organised to give the engineers from Westinghouse data to work from. so-3rd July 1938-A4 #4468`Mallard` ,dynomometer,9 car `coronation` coach set weight 325 tons, clear road......The down trip out to Grantham produced nothing memorable ,but the up run with the Stoke Bank gradient falling away from Grantham to Peterborough (Britains top race track) to help get a wiggle on was too much to resist-official orders from Gresley-The Germans have just managed 125mph-lets beat it. I have read a detailed report of this run that states that running through Peterborough Mallard was moving fast enough that the reverse curves had her canted over far enough that both sides left the rails one after the other. at any other time the driver would have been instantly dismissed for reckless endangerment, but not this day!-further encouragement to `open her up` led to a final max of 126 mph through Essendine before the thrashing took its toll and the centre big-end bearing ( a notorious weak spot on the big Gresley triples ) collapsed and Mallard had to be removed from the train. The same report also notes that as a result of the fright he received going though P/Borough with half his engine in the air, the driver took immediate early retirement and lived out his days as a lay preacher ( I would imagine an experience like that could make one see the world differently ). Then came 1939 and an era passed.

Boris looks worryingly bright-eyed tonight-has someone been feeding him meat again ? Could someone pass me that big jar of horse-pills, thank you.....Boris ,Swallow Pill, Go To Shed, Stay There Until Moon Sets, Juneau Look After You, you are. Right same again all round,better send this before the line drops out again, have a good one folks,nick

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 08 June 2005, 19:52:47
Evening Guys!
I see we have a gathering in the back room - Juke is jumping, pool tables at work and the keg's need tapping. I've tried to teach Boris how to tap a keg properly, but methinks I'd have more luck getting Ruthie to wear a bra (or perhaps some of you haven't noticed?) [}:)]

A thought or two. We have a nucleus amongst us within our gang of 10 (9 customers and yours truly) who make this cyber bar 'n grill "go." Wonder if any of you have thought about getting together - in person - one day[?]

I just can't imagine that whatever we would decide to do and wherever we'd do it at, that it would be anything other than a lot of fun. [:D]

Now, realilty always hits home when something like this gets discussed. For example, and in no particular pecking order:
(1) Obligations to family & job.
(2) Costs.
(3) Health.
(4) Willingness.
(5) etc.

Whatever the reason(s), one can easily find a way to come up with a "no thanx!" So, my comments would be better thought out and responded to by Email to me. That way, no one is personally put out to dry. [V]

How to do something like this? Well, I'd be all for an annual get together with a rail sojourn involved right up front. Just has to be a train somewhere in the mix for us to ride. Can be a trolley - can be light rail - or most certainly can be traditional passenger rail.

Now, where? Biased as I am, I'd say Canada would be a great place for the 1st rendezvous. If we could find our way to West Wales, that would be terrific too - those pubs would NEVER be the same - right, Nick My guess is that *** is thinking that Dallas would be a great place for a gathering - especially with that fine DART system along with those former VIA Rail RDC's operating on the Trinity run. So, the "where" shouldn't be a problem.

How long for this rendezvous[?] I'm thinking of one complete day and night, that would be fine. So, depending on where one is traveling from, it probably would work out to as many as three nights away, or as few as one.

Costs? Well that's always the bugger and something each of us has to reconcile. A rendezvous with simplicity in mind - kinda like what we have right here in "Our" Place - would be terrific. A local pub with a decent menu - a hotel with hot and cold running maids water, rather than a spa, salon and gym, should also suffice.

So, send me your [2c] worth by Email and we'll see what happens.

[tup] [:)]

QUOTE: West Coast S Posted: 08 June 2005, 20:12:02
Ok Tom I accept your offer, make it Johnny Walker Red on the rocks.

You’re on the right track with your design concepts, Simple to build and maintain and slated for good operation, when do have our first operating session? We will have to come up with interchange cars to exchange. Actually, I find scale modeling more affordable in most areas then HO. As you stated availability is an issue, time will tell if the masses and manufacturer’s embrace it.

If I did a gauge layout, it would mimic those great department store display layouts that were so much a part of the holiday season in years past.


QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 08 June 2005, 20:31:43
Dave Meet Mr. Walker! [tup] [:)]

My S-gauge progress is kinda like the kid with an apetite bigger than his stomach - remember that from your childhood[?]

Several things have to fall into place:
(1) ceiling suspension system has to be altered to accomodate the 7x8 ft framework.
Communicating with manufacturer to ascertain yes/no.
(2) S-Trax track has to be available.
Communicating with SHS to ascertain yes/no.
(3) Loco's and rolling stock has to be available.
Communicating with Port Lines hobbies to ascertain yes/no.
(4) Order what I need and "go for it."

First op session, optimistically speaking, should be one month from today, given that everything I want is available.

A friend of mine has/had a lead on two Gilbert AF sets (sans transformers) that supposedly are vintage "stuff" - one the Santa Fe passenger set of the 1950's (drool) and the other a freight w/steam engine (roadname unknown). The guy who wants/wanted to get rid of this stuff has had them since new and claims they are in great shape and in original boxes. Wants to ensure that they go to someone who "cares" about these kinds of trains. (!) Anway, I thought that I would be getting them early last month .... unfortunately, the owner of the trains has been out of the country for awhile and who knows when or if this will materialize. I can just envision those sight-unseen trains - just like those Department Store window displays of years past - methinks! (drool)

The way HO stuff is going these days, I'm not surprised that some S-scale items may be cheaper. My HO layout is hardly upscale nor DCC, the latter is where the costs are. My HO layout is wired the old fasioned way - common rail wiring - lots of toggle switches and insulated rail joiners. Runs just fine with two MRC Tech IV power packs - four trains running independtly of one another. It would have been soooooo easy to blow a bundle on upscale stuff ..... but didn't. Got all the roadnames I wanted in loco's and passenger cars and RDC's. Couldn't do that with S. Tried, a couple of years ago. Didn't work then and it doesn't appear much has changed. Kinda have to just settle for what's out there with S. That's the downside for me.

Another Mr. Walker? [tup] [:)]

QUOTE: nickinwestwales Posted: T08 June 2005, 20:39:04
Tom-now there`s a thought-might be able to make Toronto next summer if sisters health allows her to return to her job out there (free lodgings). Would be delighted to host an event although shipping all you guys here makes less sense financially than me going there -hey,maybe we could all ride the Northlander !!! -Failing that I`m sure some sort of `conference` link could be set up..........P.S Logo design progressing well,one link still required in dubious logic chain to support-Is the Wisconsin Central a wholly owned C.N subsidiary ? P.P.S --slightly baffled, S scale-1:64 S gauge ???,fish & chip night tomorrow,will speak again then, modem permitting, regards to Carol,nick

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 08 June 2005, 20:48:56
NickI KNEW you'd like this idea and Toronto would be outstanding as a first rendezvous site. However, I encourage our regulars (#1 thru #9) to send me an Email with your thoughts, if you are uncomfortable with "airing" it here in cyber space.

From the Wisconsin Central's web site:
QUOTE: On January 30, 2001, Wisconsin Central and Canadian National announced that they had reached an agreement on CN's acquisition of WC. When the U.S. Surface Transportation Board released its final approval of the transaction on September 7, 2001, CN President and CEO Paul M. Tellier welcomed both the decision and the opportunity to build an even stronger NAFTA network for the benefit of customers, stockholders, and employees. Said WC President and CEO Thomas Power: "It's time for WC to become part of a larger North American rail network, and CN is the perfect partner."

You are correct about the S-scale 1:64. I think the best way to explain S-gauge is consider the S-scale as being of realism, whereas S-gauge is more typical of the old Gilbert American Flyer - toys as such. Larger wheelsets and couplers, just less realism with the S-gauge.

Yes - fisn 'n chips on Thursday - don't forget Nick's Picks!

Reciprocal regards from my bride and Juneau [tup] [:)]

QUOTE: Ted D. Kramer
Posted: 08 June 2005, 21:17:43

Oh, my Hanes and Jockey incumberances! Please understand that Pub Stools #1 thru # 40 (in omni directions) make no difference as to our friendship. There are so many erstwhile "Brothers," that any sort of rating can be only be arbitrary! By the way Tom, it hasn't escaped anyone's notice that the "# 2 Stool" is the one that needs a couple of Molson's coasters under the legs for "steady ballast."

Nick, while I appreciate your discretion toward "stuffed Dolmas" and the like; Curry is the only condiment that this humble Oxidental cannot survive. Mahta (my Hungarian friend), will simply need do without her provencial preference, I'm afraid! In any case Tom, the intersticies between Ruthy and Mahta will be covertly arranged according to "work schedules." et al.

Tom, I don't know how anyone could "break your heart" more than this story: When I moved from my house in Tulsa Ok, I informed my Sister that the S gauge [American Flyer- - Northern, Hudson and sixteen freight and passenger cars- - which I purchased for my nephew's X-mas would remain in the garage for their retrieval. Mein Gott! She forgot about the "cache" and everything fell into the hands of the Buyer, tut suite!

Gentlemen, please forgive this ongoing delirium. Whilst trying to "catch-up," I've fallen victim to the late hour and "Royal's" embrace. I'll try again tomorrow [if there is one] to say: "I give-up!" Thanks again Chrisy, you have good taste in Proprietors. Happy rails gang, Ted

After 32 years of active duty – arbitrary ‘r us!
Stools may be moved anywhere within the confines of “Our” Place as one sees the need. Boris will return them to their rightful places at closing time.

Wise move, Ted juggling gals used to be a pleasant, albeit somewhat nerve wracking experience – in a life long ago!

Argggggggggggh! I’m devastated! The Buyer[?] You mean no attempt at retrieval[?] A SWAT team would have been ordered to the scene just as soon as the error was discovered, had it been me. Grrrrrrrrr. Wish I had an Uncle with such a generous side …… [tup]

Chrisy[?] Okay – I give up. Who is she[?]
One more?

QUOTE: Ted D. Kramer Posted: 08 Jun 2005, 22:12:32
I suppose the Canary Islands are "out" for any realisitc projections? [Not much for anything save drooling at any rate]. Depending on the "time frame," I'm "up" for any reasonable suggestion. If during the summer months, Toronto seems convenient (especially with the "Under Briny Speed Rail System"), however, during winter hoildays; my puny physical demeanor cries out...YIKES! I am looking forward to every and all suggestions for a real (not cyber) itenerary for this most intruiging (if not bizaare) conflagration. Please use my MSN address (which Tom will be apprised of) for future input. Happy rails and please dont forget the spatula Nick. Best regards to one and all. Ted

Thanx for the quick response! You're "in"! Insofar as time of year goes, I'm very flexible - but these details and many others will be worked out. The idea is to agree to a rendezvous - which we seem to be doing - the move on with it. Awwwright! [swg]

QUOTE: trolleyboy Posted: 08 Jun 2005, 22:28:51
Good evening everyone. Tom i'm stopping in earlier this evening so I can enjoy a nice Sleemans honey brown and a wonderfull black angus steak medium rare.

Nick I have some nice fresh NS lobster will it be of use tomorrow night as a "pick" Well looks like we lost one of the lobsters. Boris is struggling with it behind the bar,I think the lobsters winning. Ruthy is laughing so hard that I think she's lost a contact.

Tom I think Toronto would be a good start point for a get together as well. Via goes allot of places from there. I'll "e" you a suggestion later.

I want to give everyone a tale of two streetcars. In 1953 the TTC decided that their historical collection, was too large and too expensive to maintain,so much of it was to be scrapped. Particullarly two wooden early century cars from the TTC's predecessor systems.( The TTC we now have was the amalgamation of 4 separate city and interurban sytems. The Toronto railway Company, the Toronto Civic Railway, the Toronto Suburban(TO to Guelph interurban),and the North York Radial Railway) Appalled at the loss of these two irreplaceable cars Toronto Civic 55 and Toronto railway Company 1326) seven young men at a New Years eve party decided that they should do something about it. They literally passed a hat and scrapped enough money together to Purchase 1326 at it's scrap value. One of these young men a mechanic for the TTC busses persuaded his boss to have 55 donated to their cause. The OERHA (Ontario Electric railway Historical Society) They further persuaded the TTC to store these two cars while they sought a new home for them( Dad's backyard was not an option)in 1956 a small rural plot of land was purchased from CN for the back taxes. Oddly enough this piece of land was part of the Toronto Suburban's abandoned right of way between Milton and Guelph, joining the party at this time was another interurban car Montreal and Southern Counties 107. And thus the Halton County Radial Railway was born. Still volunteer built still volunteer operated. and now the first three cars.

SCROLL BACK for pixCar # 1 TRC 1326 a 1910 TR car built in the company shops one of three hundred such cars. (1300-1710) The second car is Toronto civic 55 Preston car and coach manufactured in 1915. Wooden single truck double ended cars. and finally car #33 Montreal and Southern Counties 107 interurban combine built in 1912 by Ottawa Car and Coach also a wooden double ended car. Good night all Rob

Hey Rob! I KNEW you'd go for the idea - especially in Toronto [tup] [swg].
We're on a roll - that's Nick Ted You and Me who are "in" for a rendezvous, with Toronto thus far a unanymous choice for the First Annual Our" Place Classic Trains Rendezvous.

Good story - once again - man, would I love to meet some guys with THAT kinda spirit when it comes to preserving rail. We have an existing RR right-of-way running right through our community that could easily handle RDC's/or the modern version of them. The idea is to connect this route with the St. Louis MetroLink light-rail system. Sounds plausible, doesn't it? Well, it seems that the transportation planners 'round these parts NEVER adopt any idea UNLESS it comes from within. Therefore, outsiders not welcome - even if we numbered 400 and represented the most affluent area in this region. [:(]

Enough .......
Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of "Our Place"

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 9:14 AM
FIRST ANNUAL "Our" Place Classic Trains Rendezvous
The idea has taken hold, guys! The responses on the threads and by Email are absolutely positive and all for the idea. [tup]

So - we WILL proceed with the planning for our rendezvous.

PLEASE let us communicate the details by Email to me. I will coordinate the dissemination of the info to all as the pieces begin to fall into place.

Some thoughts regarding what we are about to do and how to do it once we have decided upon a location (which certainly appears to be Toronto):

(1) Someone has to coordinate all of the activities - that would be the guy who lives closest to the area where the "First Annual 'Our' Place Classic Trains Rendezvous" takes place. Let's call this guy the Activities Coordinator, whereas I will be the Planning Coordinator. They are two separate and distinct functions, with really the latter kicking in first - as we are doing now.

(2) Time of year is extremely important for many - travel, costs, vacation time, etc. This really will require some serious discussion amongst those of us who want to attend.

(3) Costs - big time issue and mentioned in #2 - must try and make this a reasonable outlay if for no other reason than to not scare away people who would otherwise attend.

(4) Guys only? This is for those of us who spend the time and energy in "Our" Place. For our first get together, no need to place any undo restrictions on the idea or group. So, yes - this is for the guys from "Our" Place.

(5) Up front money: At some point, we have to be willing to put up some bucks in order to guarantee hotels, transportation, and the rest of the itinerary. That's a given, but will have to occur if this is to happen. I even see the need for the "host" receiving some money just to ensure that his costs are covered. We'll kick this around too.

(6) How long is the rendezvous? As I initially indicated, one full day and night for our first one should really be sufficient. As we progress through the planning, and get the inputs from those wishing to attend, there will be flexibility of course. BUT, consider that hotels, meals and other personal expenses mount up and we don't want this idea to be a bank buster.

(7) More? You bet .... this will come from you and everyone else interested in pursuing the rendezvous - BUT only by Email - PLEASE.

More to follow as the details fall into place. [tup] [;)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 9, 2005 9:18 AM
Since there have been a few "true confessions" regarding various degrees of "model" railroad involvemnt by the Membership, I'll offer my contribution for your approval. I think I mentioned to Rob at an earlier post that my last project was scratch building a Cincinnati Car Co., circa 1920. She was a sleek "grayhound" of a wench at 59 ft. (o.a. length), 12 ft. 6 1/2 in. (heigth, rail to roof), 9 ft. (o.a. width) and could seat 68 passengers clipping along at 80 m.p.h. (max.). Her rich maroon paint with light green trim livery, stained glass windows (on either side) of the wide 56 in. center doors (both sides), arch roof and delicate curvature of the ends (single end operation) came together to yield one handsome car indeed. The car ran service out of K.C., Mo through Clay Co. and to St. Joseph, Mo. The Road's name was Kansas City, Clay county and St. Joseph (oddly enough). The model is of wood construction with laminated sheet brass over the wooden frame (rivet detail, etc. embossed with cog wheels over brass). The motor "brick" is standard fare, Aristo Craft. I run this car on my loop to point (outside) right-of-way which is braced off my privacy fence (40 in. above ground level).

To Keep things interesting, I also run an Aristo Craft "Doodlebug" (D.C.C.) heading a consist (to date) of an R.P.O. and 3 box cars, also "Aristo's." I will equip the Trolly with D.C.C. a.s.a.p. as it isn't a good idea mixing with conventional power. Rob, I thought of "overhead" feed but with Florida's summer storms, I would no doubt, end up with a yard festooned with spaghetti and chop sticks.

Well, that's enough for this post, I noticed Boris has nodded off and his Chef's chapeau is precariously close to that lit candle. I hope to cover my HO situation in following posts but for now, permit me to ask Tom to do the honors "one more time" (Count Basie). Gents, a pleasure as always but before I "shag"...does anyone smell something burning?
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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:04 AM
Morning Ted What IS that smell[?] [V] Good grief - grab that fire extinguisher and give Boris a bath ..... now HOW in the world did that happen[?]

This thread of ours does a bit of drifting from time to time - so, what's the harm[?] Model railroaders most probably make up a significant percentage of the contributors to these forums. The question isn't one of real or model trains, it's are they CLASSIC[?][yeah]

You know, pictures are said to convey the message of one thousand words - so how about a few[?] Would love to see this Aristo Craft empire of yours.

Ready for 'nother one[?]

See ya! [tup] [;)]
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by West Coast S on Thursday, June 9, 2005 11:44 AM
Morning Tom and the gang...I should have remembered from past postings you are into Rail Diesel Cars, I know of a fantastic model available in 1/64..Some assembly required.

Where did I put my coffee?

I belong to a Northern and Southern California railfan club, about 500 members in total and we choose a location monthly trackside here in CA for a get together. On average only 15-25 are regulars to these meets, the vast majority are cyber railfans or independents who choose to fan out on their own in small groups on a more frequent baisis.

A "Our Place" get together sounds great to me. Lets get some feed back from the rest of the group and see what data we have to work with .

SP the way it was in S scale
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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 4:00 PM
Hi Dave - The coffee pots 'round here are always filled with freshly brewed regular and unleaded ........ help yourself! [tup]

Should you come across that info on the RDC you mentioned, please post it .... [tup]

Based upon what has come through thus far regarding the FIRST ANNUAL "Our" Place Classic Trains Rendezvous, we ARE going forward with the planning as posted earlier.

Particulars are encouraged to be sent to me by Email, thereby freeing up our thread for the "stuff" that goes on 'round here. So, your thoughts are most welcome. [swg]

From the Email I've received - all positive - it's just a matter of going through those steps I've listed - refining 'em where needed - and moving on with the plan. With a group of 10 regulars - I expect that we'd be really living well if half that number agreed to (1) the rendezvous (2) a location (3) and time of year.

Speaking just for me, I'd be content with any location that can provide the type of experience that our guys are looking for. As I gather more info from the Email inputs, I'll provide a narrative for all to see .... similiar to my previous post.

See ya! [tup] [;)]
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 9, 2005 4:44 PM
Good evening Y'all. It is a hot humid day in Dallas and it is not much fun being outside especially in the sun. Cannot stay too long as I am waiting on my wife to pick me up. Better skip on the imbibing tonight as today is our 43rd anniversary and we are going to dinner then the Dallas Summer Musicals to see "The Producers". This is a Mel Brooks written and produced show. It was a sad night at the theater on Tuesday I was told. Mel Brooks wife, Ann Bancroft, passed away Monday night and the cast was saddened. I suggested that all girls in the office should wear their leopard print underwear as a memorial to Bancroft (Remember Richard Benjamin in "The Graduate") Did not get any takers or any takers that I could observe. Only 206 days days until I retire. Perhaps then I can be a more frequent guest on old #6.

Got to run,
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 9, 2005 6:04 PM
Great Scott Boris! You might have burned the "Our" Place edifice to the ground! That's not to mention the loss of another imported Irish linen Chef's head covering. Nick will be furious. Tom, perhaps this imbecility is best left unmentioned to those not present? Poor Chap has enough challenge just dressing for work, "noblesse oblige?" Still, it might be wise for some of the "regulars" to have a care in our absence.

"Smack-on target? as always Tom. I see nothing left to chance in your preliminary assessment. The duration of "stay" is sensible and I feel all of us appreciate your consideration toward the econmic issues as well. "Filthy Luker" always raises its' ugly head, doesn' it? It seems a pity to go through a good deal of time, effort and funds for so short a time but afterall this is our "virgin" voyage. If memory serves, those sort of encounters are usually of short duration, lol. Tom, I am unable to find your "addy" in the "profile." Mine is listed, so if you could drop me an e-mail, I'll get right back "atcha."

Nick, I wasn't thinking when I mentioned "bring your spatula." I'll pick up any such impedimenta as needed in Toronto albeit, probably not of copper. We wouldn't want Air Port Security thrown into a needless "Code Red" condition, would we? I have copius amounts of surplus gauze (post op. supplies) for bouqet garni, straining, etc. I hope you have a better B.A. flight than I from Gatwick to Tampa two years ago. The Boeing 888 (2 giant engines) followed the East Coast route from Newfoundland to Florida non-stop. I expected Richard Simmonds (sp?) to appear and direct a regime of exercise classes somewhere mid-Atlantic. The BA cuisine? Don't ask!

Okay, its a 'round for the gents, then I'm off to the old Guerny Winklepleck Book Emporium for some remedial phonics courses on northern accents. Y'all don't realize, Ah've been pokin' 'round these here parts fur 16 years and durned neer forgot how to right muh name. In the bonds, Ted

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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 6:51 PM

To send an Email to anyone on the forums:
(1) Click on cyber name to the left of the thread you are responding to; ie: siberianmo
(2) In the "Basic" menu, next to "Contact Info," click on "email"

That's it .... you will be able to send an Email through the forum to anyone participating.
Check out your own listing .....

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:03 PM
FOR wrwatkins
Hey *** You KNOW that one cannot just pop in - say a few words - and leave. Boris just won't permit it - especailly on fis 'n chips night! [swg]

Given that THIS is a special evening and celebration for you and your bride - on behalf of the 10 regulars of "Our" Place - HAPPY 43rd ANNIVERSARY! and enjoly your night out. [tup]

Leopard print undies[?] [yeah] No, not for you, Boris ....... Geesh.

May I urge you to READ the SUMMARIES before checking back in[?] Lots of things get missed 'round here if one isn't keep up with the banter.

See ya! [tup] [swg]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:17 PM
Evening my friend ... just in time for fish 'n chips and perhaps a nice Ale[?]

Are YOU volunteering to be a caretaker for Boris[?] Isn't this taking the Brother's keeper idea a bit too far[?] Lotsaluck [swg]

Appreciate your endrosement of the rendezvous precepts ..... try that Email approach again, Ted See my most recent post on GENERAL INFO .....

I'm unfamiliar with the term, "Filthy Luker," however I caught the drift. Yeah - it stinks to high heaven. This effort of ours began in earnest in 1997 - so it has long legs. Unfortuantely, for all intents and purposes, it has died on the vine - IF it ever got to that stage. [tdn]

Guerny Winklepleck Book Emporium[?] Say that three times fast .......

See ya! [tup] [swg]
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by trolleyboy on Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:43 PM
good evening everyone. I see Boris is busy frying the fish. No Boris the heads don't get battered[oops][:O] Tom I think that you have the right people to get that right of way used,it's just that the purchasing and building of said line are likely quite a bit more money nowadays. Mind you if you get to know the powers that be you may be able to convince them that it has been their idea all along,it just may take a few bottles of cojac!I'm dodging T storms right now so I'll have to check back in later. BTW Tom I've sent you another "e". Talk to you soon. Rob
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:48 PM
Well good evening Tom,gentlemen all and Boris,just a quick one before I step through to the galley,apologies for any typo`s bu I have all 3 cats wanting attention here,they seem to know there is fish about and want a piece of the action....So Thurs.night again,whilst the fryers are heating up how about some traditional hand-crafted one liners....such as -What do you call a waster that hangs out with musicians ?---The drummer,What word describes a drummer without a girlfriend--homeless,how can you tell when a drummer is at your door ?the knocking speeds up halfway through,whats the difference between a drummer and a drum machine ? -with a machine you only have to punch the information in once............O.K,Fantasy Island time,here is the premise behind the projected logo--British freight services have ,for some years,been operated bya company called E.W.S- English Welsh & Scottish railways,a subsiduary of W.C.,right down to the Burgundy & gold livery and increasing numbers of G.M( Canada) locos. It seems only reasonable that this segment be connected to the rest of the C.N. network. since car-floats are obviously impractical over such a large stretch of open water,a tunnel is the only viable option,hence the Cymru,Maritime & Western bridge line--running from Milford Haven to Can-Am Union Stn. I envisage "tunnel motors" in the form of ex N.Y.N.H.H &C F.L9`s running on the 3rd rail with power provided by hydro generators using the unavoidale leakage in any underwater route ( Severn Tunnel-500,000 gals per day) -these would hand off to local power at Haverfordwest-the nearest station with any yard track left in place before clearances thru bridges ,tunnels etc become a problem,passenger sevices to be provided by ex-Southern region 4cep & 4vep units ( explnation to follow). Logo to include Welsh dragon (heraldic form),maple leaf,lightning bolt (Southern Electric) inside a border of stylised railway track. This over a carbody livery of Holly green lower panels with white upperworks. N.B-Cymru is the Welsh name for Wales, loosely translated it means "the comrades" or "the tribe"--basically "us , not you"-It is a standing joke that the same word serves for "stranger" and "enemy"....Hot from the press,***-if you want to ride a sleeper train over here,hurry up,it was announced today that the Paddington - Penzance service is losing £1,000,000 P.A. and is under "review"-another one bites the dust...last feature on tonights news,a party of cuban refugee`s picked up off of Key West having floated across in a 1940`s Taxi converted to a boat(of sorts). O.K, enough from your foreign correspondant,there`s fi***o batter,chips to fry and as ever,Boris to deal with,be happy people,remember-this aint a rehearsal,if it feels good-do it !!!!! regards to all,nick
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Posted by trolleyboy on Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:47 PM
So Nick would that be a high speed tunnel train. 300km type. I wonder how long that crossing would take. BTW watch out for Boris he's apparently been suplimenting his diet with the fish heads and fins.[:O][xx)]Not sure what installment of museum lore to drop on everyone tonight so i think I'll sign off for now and rethink for tomorrows post. A shot of the museum's classic Grand Trunk(1912) built Rockwood Station saved from destruction and moved to the museum in 1971. Happy trails all. Rob
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Posted by siberianmo on Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:56 PM
We've got to get Boris away from anything that creates heat. He nearly incinerated himself earlier today - not to mention burning "Our" Place to the ground ....... [tdn]

I wish your optimism equated to reality regarding the light-rail situation here. No, my friend - it's hardly as simple as perhaps one may think. We're talking about the established and well healed politicos who call the shots. No amount of cajoling by any of my group could even make a dent. Taking them out back and wailking the crap out of 'em would really be a treat! Unfortunately, that would also get me a stint in the local lock up. No - this isn't a simple matter. It's over and has been over for about 2 years - just that some of us continue with the fight.

We're into some threatening weather at the moment too - couldn't take Juneau for his evening one mile walk - and he's not at all pleased with us. Grrrrrrrr.

I await your Email ....... [tup] [swg]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 9, 2005 9:46 PM
Evening all, Tom thanks for the refresher course in: "DUHH, wher'd they go, wher'd they go?" I have used the very steps for e-mail you mentioned and forgot entirely about it. [Do you think its safe for me to travel alone?] You have one "in the oven" as we speak. Hopefully, you will check it out presently, no rush really. Yes, I'll have the Flounder filet, Balsamic vinegar, fresh lemon wedges, tarter sauce (extra onion), chips and, if you please, wrap it in the comic section so I'll have something to peruse while savoring a swallow of Molsins Ale. Thanks.

Yes Nick, and may I add a tried and true "one liner" to the list: "So many drummers, so litle time." Three posts in one day should be a good indicator as to what our weather has been here in the "Sunshine State." There is promise of another 3 or 4 days of this from our first storm of the season churning its' way up the Gulf; just another day in Paradise!

Au contrare, I'm afraid Boris is on his own for fair or foul. Still, I wouldn't sit idly by and allow any Bloke to step over a precipice for want of a- - "Moron, look out!" Tom, I won't pretend to know all the "petty politics" which goes into urban planning, choosing transportation routes and the like. However, there is usually a professional "Grinch" in the "wood pile," with peculiar land holdings in cheap real estate, ideal for draining tax payer's dollars for "right-of-way." Ridership almost always loses out to "ownership" in such cases. High speed rail from some place to no place! The same P.E. tunnels in L.A. that are now being used were "shut down" 50 years ago by a cartel of Firestone, G.M. and Standard Oil. In N.Y.C. it was the "Boss Tweed" gang that fought the Els and subways early 1900's. On and on it goes!

I better call it a night, tomorow I need to sort out all my window plywood (hurricane) inserts for the coming season. Since last Summer, folks aren't so complacent about Mother Nature's whimsical ways. G'night all.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 10, 2005 8:59 AM
Good morning Y'all. We had a great time at the Dallas Summer Musicals last night watching Mel Brooks' The Producers. It was a show that really made you laugh. It was mutually offensive to all ethnic groups and I do not think anyone should miss it if you have the chance to see it. Better get some coffee to get the system started in the morning.

AAH! that tasted good. The show ended at 11:00 PM last night. Since we live at Cedar Creek Lake, which is 65 miles from my office we got a room in town. Somehow I did not want to get home about 12:30 AM then get up again at 4:30 to come back in here. It certainly was great to sleep in a little on a day other than Saturday and Sunday. We also had a great meal at one of our favoirte Italian rerstaurants along with a bottle of the Red.

Excuse me. I think I will grab a plate of the wonderful grits and eggs. Maybe throw in a biscuit or two. No wall paper paste (gravy) for the biscuits. I do not want to turn them into a chloresteral sandwitch. Have enough of a problem with that as it is.

Since my tummy is full now and I am relaxed I think I will spin a little tale for you today. Think I will spin a DART story from my days on the DART board. At times I did feel like someone was really pitching darts at me. My seven years of service on the DART board taught me one thing very clearly. I have NO desire to go any further in politics!
My political career has ENDED!

Well to the tale. Any transit agency knows that buying right of way for light rail through a city is very expensive. Think of the cost of acquiring a 100 foot wide swatch through a city. No one could afford that and guess what the NINBY (not in my back yard) folks would be screaming. We got around this by buying redundant rail lines from the railroads. After the nergers of Class 1s sever lines became redundant. It is on these lines that all of our light rail lines are built. They usally can be bought for .5 to 1 million per mile. Pretty good for a 100 foot swatch through a city. The rail line on it is pure junk. At the best it would be classified as excepted class. Its only value was to a scrap dealer. I really pushed buying any track that came available. DART owns over 250 miles of rail line in the Dallas area. What we are not currently using for commuter service we have leased out to short line operators. Although the rental will never ammortize the purchace cost it will preserves the corridor. You do not want them to go the the Rails to Trails program. Even though this program permits reclaiming the ROW at a future date for rail service again, just try this. I guarantee you that everyone would be screaming their head off at you.

What did we buy? Our initial purchase was the Santa Fe line and yards in Dallas. We built our service facility for light rail on the former Santa Fe yards near Fair PArk. We also used this ROW for the initial buildout to the south. Next we bought the Katy line from downtown Dallas to Rockwall, east of town and the Katy line running northwest from Downtown to Lewisville along I-35E.. We built the Garland line on this ROW. and are now designing the NW extension on the Lewisville line. About the same time we bought the Southern Pacific line from down town to Plano for our Plano line. This was the old Houston and Texas Central Railway. Our last purchase was a bunch of short spurs in the Dallas area plus the H&TC north of Plano to the Red River (really South Sherman Junction) This we have leased out to a short line as it is all out of our service area. I really poushed hard to get this as I know that some time in the future our service area will be expanded north and we will have a corridor in place.

Don't forget the initial rail purchase in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Long before DART was formed the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth jointly bought the Rock Island line between the two cities from the bankruptcy court for $34 million to preserve it for future commuter service. It sat there for several years being used for freight service by UP and BNSF until Dart and the Fort Worth "T" started the Trinity Rail Express. DART is the manager of the line and has contracted out the operation, maintenance, and dispatching to the Herzog Company. Herzog is doing a super job of running the railroad. Thew two class 1s plus a short line still use the corridor for freight. The line was initailly dispatched and maintained by BNSF from their Fort Worth network . Initiall the line was dispatched by BNSF from their Fort Worth operations center and they also did all track maintenance. We had problems with them. Since they were a freight railroad they gave preference to the freight at the expense of passenger service. I have never heard a boxcar complain about being in the hole for 15 minutes, but you can guess the howl form human cargo being in the hole. BNSF, being under a railroad union did not like doingtrack work on weekends when they had to pay overtime. Repairing track during the week days really screwed up our commuter operations. We took over both of these functions and set up a dispatching center at our Irving yard. Herzog now does the dispatching and track work with BNSF only riding the rails. BNSF was very helpful in the transition as they helped set up our center and trained the dispatchers gratis. We thank them for this.

Time to refill my coffee cup and my vocal cords are getting a little tired so I will shut up for now. Only 205 more days until I hang it up.

A point of clarification. We have lived in Texas for 28 years, but we are originally from the northern panhandle of West Virginia. Born, raised and educated there but had to leave after graduating from college to get a decent paycheck in the oil and gas industry. Initially we spent 12 years in Southern California before coming to Texas in 1978. Since we have spent most of our life in Texas I guess that we are naturalized Texans. No, I do not have a cowboy hat or boots.

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Posted by siberianmo on Friday, June 10, 2005 9:03 AM

Howdy Folks! Friday – hooray – and how’s everyone this fine day[?] We survived Fish ‘n Chips night, even though Boris had some difficulty heating up the oil[?] The term, Rocket Surgery … [swg]

As always, our light breakfast fare awaits one and all. I see a couple of our gals have stopped by and offered to serve the breakfasts in between their stints at the lingerie show in the back room. Oh, didn’t I tell you about that[?][oops] [}:)]

In an unprecedented move, the “Awards Committee” has unanimously selected Trolleyboy Rob to receive a Stool as a token of appreciation from “Our” Place for his continued support and interest in what we do [?] around here. Congrats to you, Rob [yeah] [wow] [tup] [swg]

ADDITIONALLY, the Committee has decided to drop the numbering system, in favor (favour) of a permanent/reserved stool arrangement, thereby eliminating any discomfort one might have regarding pecking order.

The next session of the “Awards Committee” will take place during the first week of July (or, whenever …….[?])

The Order of the Stools
Permanent Stool Chris First customer, [^] Barrister and Quebec connection
Permanent Stool Ted Customer with unparalleled good cheer [swg] and determination
Permanent Stool Nick Chief Chef of “Our” Place [C=:-)] and customer supreme from West Wales
Permanent Stool Trolleyboy Rob If it concerns street cars, talk to me! – and Ontario connection
Reserved Stool Passengerfan Al Walking, talking “Classic Train” Aficionado [2c] from California
Reserved Stool *** Watkins Rail enthusiast and world traveler – and Texas [C):-)] connection
Reserved Stool earlydiesels Restorations are us! … And train lover at large [2c]
Reserved Stool West Coast S California man of mystery and west coast connection [2c]
Reserved Stool coalminer 3 Northeast rail Aficionado [2c] and West Virginia connection

On to the SUMMARY:
QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 09:14:39
FIRST ANNUAL "Our" Place Classic Trains Rendezvous
The idea has taken hold, guys! The responses on the threads and by Email are absolutely positive and all for the idea.

So - we WILL proceed with the planning for our rendezvous.

PLEASE let us communicate the details by Email to me. I will coordinate the dissemination of the info to all as the pieces begin to fall into place.

Some thoughts regarding what we are about to do and how to do it once we have decided upon a location (which certainly appears to be Toronto):

(1) Someone has to coordinate all of the activities - that would be the guy who lives closest to the area where the "First Annual 'Our' Place Classic Trains Rendezvous" takes place. Let's call this guy the Activities Coordinator, whereas I will be the Planning Coordinator. They are two separate and distinct functions, with really the latter kicking in first - as we are doing now.

(2) Time of year is extremely important for many - travel, costs, vacation time, etc. This really will require some serious discussion amongst those of us who want to attend.

(3) Costs - big time issue and mentioned in #2 - must try and make this a reasonable outlay if for no other reason than to not scare away people who would otherwise attend.

(4) Guys only? This is for those of us who spend the time and energy in "Our" Place. For our first get together, no need to place any undo restrictions on the idea or group. So, yes - this is for the guys from "Our" Place.

(5) Up front money: At some point, we have to be willing to put up some bucks in order to guarantee hotels, transportation, and the rest of the itinerary. That's a given, but will have to occur if this is to happen. I even see the need for the "host" receiving some money just to ensure that his costs are covered. We'll kick this around too.

(6) How long is the rendezvous? As I initially indicated, one full day and night for our first one should really be sufficient. As we progress through the planning, and get the inputs from those wishing to attend, there will be flexibility of course. BUT, consider that hotels, meals and other personal expenses mount up and we don't want this idea to be a bank buster.

(7) More? You bet .... this will come from you and everyone else interested in pursuing the rendezvous - BUT only by Email - PLEASE.

More to follow as the details fall into place. [tup] [;)]


QUOTE: Ted D. Kramer Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 09:18:55
Since there have been a few "true confessions" regarding various degrees of "model" railroad involvement by the Membership, I'll offer my contribution for your approval. I think I mentioned to Rob at an earlier post that my last project was scratch building a Cincinnati Car Co., circa 1920. She was a sleek "greyhound" of a wench at 59 ft. (o.a. length), 12 ft. 6 1/2 in. (height, rail to roof), 9 ft. (o.a. width) and could seat 68 passengers clipping along at 80 m.p.h. (max.). Her rich maroon paint with light green trim livery, stained glass windows (on either side) of the wide 56 in. center doors (both sides), arch roof and delicate curvature of the ends (single end operation) came together to yield one handsome car indeed. The car ran service out of K.C., Mo through Clay Co. and to St. Joseph, Mo. The Road's name was Kansas City, Clay county and St. Joseph (oddly enough). The model is of wood construction with laminated sheet brass over the wooden frame (rivet detail, etc. embossed with cog wheels over brass). The motor "brick" is standard fare, Aristo Craft. I run this car on my loop to point (outside) right-of-way which is braced off my privacy fence (40 in. above ground level).

To Keep things interesting, I also run an Aristo Craft "Doodlebug" (D.C.C.) heading a consist (to date) of an R.P.O. and 3 box cars, also "Aristo's." I will equip the Trolley with D.C.C. a.s.a.p. as it isn't a good idea mixing with conventional power. Rob, I thought of "overhead" feed but with Florida's summer storms, I would no doubt, end up with a yard festooned with spaghetti and chop sticks.

Well, that's enough for this post, I noticed Boris has nodded off and his Chef's chapeau is precariously close to that lit candle. I hope to cover my HO situation in following posts but for now, permit me to ask Tom to do the honors "one more time" (Count Basie). Gents, a pleasure as always but before I "shag"...does anyone smell something burning?

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 10:04:10
Morning Ted What IS that smell[?][:(!] Good grief - grab that fire extinguisher and give Boris a bath ..... now HOW in the world did that happen[?]

This thread of ours does a bit of drifting from time to time - so, what's the harm[?]Model railroaders most probably make up a significant percentage of the contributors to these forums. The question isn't one of real or model trains, it's are they CLASSIC [?]

You know, pictures are said to convey the message of one thousand words - so how about a few[?] Would love to see this Aristo Craft empire of yours.

Ready for 'nother one[?]

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: West Coast S Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 11:44:06
Morning Tom and the gang...I should have remembered from past postings you are into Rail Diesel Cars, I know of a fantastic model available in 1/64..Some assembly required.

Where did I put my coffee?

I belong to a Northern and Southern California railfan club, about 500 members in total and we choose a location monthly trackside here in CA for a get together. On average only 15-25 are regulars to these meets, the vast majority are cyber railfans or independents who choose to fan out on their own in small groups on a more frequent basis.

A "Our Place" get together sounds great to me. Lets get some feed back from the rest of the group and see what data we have to work with .


QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 16:00:43
Hi Dave - The coffee pots 'round here are always filled with freshly brewed regular and unleaded ........ help yourself! [tup]

Should you come across that info on the RDC you mentioned, please post it .... [tup]

Based upon what has come through thus far regarding the FIRST ANNUAL "Our" Place Classic Trains Rendezvous, we ARE going forward with the planning as posted earlier.

Particulars are encouraged to be sent to me by Email, thereby freeing up our thread for the "stuff" that goes on 'round here. So, your thoughts are most welcome. [swg]

From the Email I've received - all positive - it's just a matter of going through those steps I've listed - refining 'em where needed - and moving on with the plan. With a group of 10 regulars - I expect that we'd be really living well if half that number agreed to (1) the rendezvous (2) a location (3) and time of year.

Speaking just for me, I'd be content with any location that can provide the type of experience that our guys are looking for. As I gather more info from the Email inputs, I'll provide a narrative for all to see .... similar to my previous post.

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: wrwatkins Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 16:44:30
Good evening Y'all. It is a hot humid day in Dallas and it is not much fun being outside especially in the sun. Cannot stay too long as I am waiting on my wife to pick me up. Better skip on the imbibing tonight as today is our 43rd anniversary and we are going to dinner then the Dallas Summer Musicals to see "The Producers". This is a Mel Brooks written and produced show. It was a sad night at the theater on Tuesday I was told. Mel Brooks wife, Ann Bancroft, passed away Monday night and the cast was saddened. I suggested that all girls in the office should wear their leopard print underwear as a memorial to Bancroft (Remember Richard Benjamin in "The Graduate") Did not get any takers or any takers that I could observe. Only 206 days until I retire. Perhaps then I can be a more frequent guest on old #6.

Got to run,

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 19:03:33
FOR wrwatkins
Hey *** You KNOW that one cannot just pop in - say a few words - and leave. Boris just won't permit it - especially on fish 'n chips night! [;)]

Given that THIS is a special evening and celebration for you and your bride - on behalf of the 10 regulars of "Our" Place - HAPPY 43rd ANNIVERSARY! and enjoly your night out. [tup]

Leopard print undies[?] [yeah]No, not for you, Boris ....... Geesh.

May I urge you to READ the SUMMARIES before checking back in[?] Lots of things get missed 'round here if one isn't keep up with the banter.

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: Ted D. Kramer Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 18:04:07
Great Scott Boris! You might have burned the "Our" Place edifice to the ground! That's not to mention the loss of another imported Irish linen Chef's head covering. Nick will be furious. Tom, perhaps this imbecility is best left unmentioned to those not present? Poor Chap has enough challenge just dressing for work, "noblesse oblige?" Still, it might be wise for some of the "regulars" to have a care in our absence.

"Smack-on target? as always Tom. I see nothing left to chance in your preliminary assessment. The duration of "stay" is sensible and I feel all of us appreciate your consideration toward the econmic issues as well.
"Filthy Luker" always raises its' ugly head, doesn' it? It seems a pity to go through a good deal of time, effort and funds for so short a time but afterall this is our "virgin" voyage. If memory serves, those sort of encounters are usually of short duration, lol.
Tom, I am unable to find your "addy" in the "profile." Mine is listed, so if you could drop me an e-mail, I'll get right back "atcha."

Nick, I wasn't thinking when I mentioned "bring your spatula." I'll pick up any such impedimenta as needed in Toronto albeit, probably not of copper. We wouldn't want Air Port Security thrown into a needless "Code Red" condition, would we? I have copius amounts of surplus gauze (post op. supplies) for bouqet garni, straining, etc. I hope you have a better B.A. flight than I from Gatwick to Tampa two years ago. The Boeing 888 (2 giant engines) followed the East Coast route from Newfoundland to Florida non-stop. I expected Richard Simmonds (sp?) to appear and direct a regime of exercise classes somewhere mid-Atlantic. The BA cuisine? Don't ask!

Okay, its a 'round for the gents, then I'm off to the old Guerny Winklepleck Book Emporium for some remedial phonics courses on northern accents. Y'all don't realize, Ah've been pokin' 'round these here parts fur 16 years and durned neer forgot how to right muh name. In the bonds, Ted

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 19:17:07
Evening my friend ... just in time for fish 'n chips and perhaps a nice Ale[?]

Are YOU volunteering to be a caretaker for Boris[?] Isn't this taking the Brother's keeper idea a bit too far[?][ Lotsaluck [swg]

Appreciate your endorsement of the rendezvous precepts ..... try that Email approach again, Ted See my most recent post on GENERAL INFO .....

I'm unfamiliar with the term, "Filthy Luker," however I caught the drift. Yeah - it stinks to high heaven. This effort of ours began in earnest in 1997 - so it has long legs. Unfortunately, for all intents and purposes, it has died on the vine - IF it ever got to that stage. [tdn]

Guerny Winklepleck Book Emporium[?] Say that three times fast .......

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 18:51:58
To send an Email to anyone on the forums:
(1) Click on cyber name to the left of the thread you are responding to; ie: siberianmo
(2) In the "Basic" menu, next to "Contact Info," click on "email"

That's it .... you will be able to send an Email through the forum to anyone participating.
Check out your own listing .....


QUOTE: trolleyboy Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 19:43:40

good evening everyone. I see Boris is busy frying the fish. No Boris the heads don't get battered[oops] [:O]

Tom I think that you have the right people to get that right of way used, it's just that the purchasing and building of said line are likely quite a bit more money nowadays. Mind you if you get to know the powers that be you may be able to convince them that it has been their idea all along, it just may take a few bottles of cojac!

I'm dodging T storms right now so I'll have to check back in later. BTW Tom I've sent you another "e". Talk to you soon. Rob

QUOTE: siberianmo Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 20:56:57
We've got to get Boris away from anything that creates heat. He nearly incinerated himself earlier today - not to mention burning "Our" Place to the ground ....... [tdn]

I wish your optimism equated to reality regarding the light-rail situation here. No, my friend - it's hardly as simple as perhaps one may think. We're talking about the established and well healed politicos who call the shots. No amount of cajoling by any of my group could even make a dent. Taking them out back and wailing the crap out of 'em would really be a treat! Unfortunately, that would also get me a stint in the local lock up. No - this isn't a simple matter. It's over and has been over for about 2 years - just that some of us continue with the fight.

We're into some threatening weather at the moment too - couldn't take Juneau for his evening one mile walk - and he's not at all pleased with us. Grrrrrrrr.

I await your Email ....... [tup] [swg]


QUOTE: nickinwestwales Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 19:48:12
Well good evening Tom,gentlemen all and Boris, just a quick one before I step through to the galley, apologies for any typo`s but I have all 3 cats wanting attention here, they seem to know there is fish about and want a piece of the action....

So Thurs. night again, whilst the fryers are heating up how about some traditional hand-crafted one liners....such as –

What do you call a waster that hangs out with musicians ?---The drummer,

What word describes a drummer without a girlfriend--homeless,

how can you tell when a drummer is at your door ?the knocking speeds up halfway through,

what’s the difference between a drummer and a drum machine ? -with a machine you only have to punch the information in once............

O.K, Fantasy Island time, here is the premise behind the projected logo--British freight services have, for some years, been operated by company called E.W.S- English Welsh & Scottish railways, a subsidiary of W.C., right down to the Burgundy & gold livery and increasing numbers of G.M Canada) locos. It seems only reasonable that this segment be connected to the rest of the C.N. network. since car-floats are obviously impractical over such a large stretch of open water, a tunnel is the only viable option, hence the Cymru, Maritime & Western bridge line--running from Milford Haven to Can-Am Union Stn.

I envisage "tunnel motors" in the form of ex N.Y.N.H.H &C F.L9`s running on the 3rd rail with power provided by hydro generators using the unavoidable leakage in any underwater route ( Severn Tunnel-500,000 gals per day) -these would hand off to local power at Haverfordwest -the nearest station with any yard track left in place before clearances thru bridges, tunnels etc become a problem, passenger services to be provided by ex-Southern region 4cep & 4vep units ( explanation to follow).

Logo to include Welsh dragon (heraldic form), maple leaf, lightning bolt (Southern Electric) inside a border of stylised railway track. This over a car body livery of Holly green lower panels with white upper works. N.B-

Cymru is the Welsh name for Wales, loosely translated it means "the comrades" or "the tribe"--basically "us , not you"-It is a standing joke that the same word serves for "stranger" and "enemy"....

Hot from the press, ***-if you want to ride a sleeper train over here, hurry up, it was announced today that the Paddington - Penzance service is losing £1,000,000 P.A. and is under "review"-another one bites the dust...

last feature on tonight’s news, a party of Cuban refugee`s picked up off of Key West having floated across in a 1940`s Taxi converted to a boat(of sorts).

O.K, enough from your foreign correspondent, there`s fi***o batter, chips to fry and as ever, Boris to deal with, be happy people, remember-this ain’t a rehearsal, if it feels good-do it !!!!! regards to all, nick

Hey Nick Always good seeing you ‘round here …. No apologies required regarding typo’s, and the like – I catch ‘em now ‘n then for the SUMAMRIES – but really – close enough will work just fine! [tup] [swg]

Those jokes were horrible! [tdn] Gotta do better than that, my friend. [V]

You go to great lengths to explain your thinking – and it is MUCH appreciated. I’ve never traveled aboard trains in your country, but can well imagine what it’s like thanx to you! [tup] Hey, Nick you gotta post some pix … real and model.

Comments regarding those people fleeing Cuba bring to mind some memories of years past – anything that floats seems to be the modus operandi for Haitians and Cubans – albeit the Cubans are much more innovative.

My idea regarding those logos involves incorporating them at the bar in association with where the customer’s stools are. I’d have yours at a place ON the bar, so that there’d be no doubt regarding whose space this is. With Boris standing guard, I seriously doubt anyone will take issue with this …… [swg]

Things are moving along with the Rendezvous, as you know – and I’ll have a bit more to add on it in a day or two. However, there’s little doubt that any location other than Toronto will be the choice. Given that four members have already said “yes,” and another has expressed interest, I’d say we’ve progressed thru steps one and two: (1) Do we want a Rendezvous Answer: Yes. (2) Where do we want it? Answer: Toronto. Hmmmmmmmmm …. Seems I’ve covered it all right here, thus far! Next is to decide the WHEN part. Send those Emails to me guys, and we’ll get a decision on that in short order.

Okay – gotta run.

See ya! [tup] [swg]

QUOTE: trolleyboy Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 20:47:27
So Nick would that be a high speed tunnel train. 300km type. I wonder how long that crossing would take. BTW watch out for Boris he's apparently been suplimenting his diet with the fish heads and fins. [xx)]Not sure what installment of museum lore to drop on everyone tonight so i think I'll sign off for now and rethink for tomorrows post. A shot of the museum's classic Grand Trunk(1912) built Rockwood Station saved from destruction and moved to the museum in 1971. Happy trails all. Rob

QUOTE: Ted D. Kramer Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:46:07
Evening all, Tom thanks for the refresher course in: "DUHH, wher'd they go, wher'd they go?" I have used the very steps for e-mail you mentioned and forgot entirely about it. [Do you think it’s safe for me to travel alone?] You have one "in the oven" as we speak. Hopefully, you will check it out presently, no rush really.

Yes, I'll have the Flounder filet, Balsamic vinegar, fresh lemon wedges, tarter sauce (extra onion), chips and, if you please, wrap it in the comic section so I'll have something to peruse while savoring a swallow of Molsons Ale. Thanks.

Yes Nick, and may I add a tried and true "one liner" to the list: "So many drummers, so litle time." Three posts in one day should be a good indicator as to what our weather has been here in the "Sunshine State." There is promise of another 3 or 4 days of this from our first storm of the season churning its' way up the Gulf; just another day in Paradise!

Au contrare, I'm afraid Boris is on his own for fair or foul. Still, I wouldn't sit idly by and allow any Bloke to step over a precipice for want of a- - "Moron, look out!"

Tom, I won't pretend to know all the "petty politics" which goes into urban planning, choosing transportation routes and the like. However, there is usually a professional "Grinch" in the "wood pile," with peculiar land holdings in cheap real estate, ideal for draining tax payer's dollars for "right-of-way." Ridership almost always loses out to "ownership" in such cases. High speed rail from some place to no place! The same P.E. tunnels in L.A. that are now being used were "shut down" 50 years ago by a cartel of Firestone, G.M. and Standard Oil. In N.Y.C. it was the "Boss Tweed" gang that fought the Els and subways early 1900's. On and on it goes!

I better call it a night, tomorow I need to sort out all my window plywood (hurricane) inserts for the coming season. Since last Summer, folks aren't so complacent about Mother Nature's whimsical ways. G'night all.

Hi Ted Got your Email and replied – also received your reply to my reply! That’s precisely why I urge one and all to use Email for the Rendezvous discussions. Works much better and keeps it all “in one place” so to speak.

Traveling alone COULD present a problem – not for you, but for those unsuspecting gals up in First Class. [swg]

I couldn’t do justice to the enormous amount of effort put into our ligh-rail “project. Perhaps one day I’ll summarize it all – but not now. Still ticks me off just thinking about it – AND I’m the one who initially brought it up! Grrrrrrrr (that’s Juneau telling me to “chill” ……… [swg]

See ya later [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of “Our” Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 10, 2005 9:38 AM
For Tom-

I was not aware that this thread was blocking the name of the library and my employer D e G O L Y E R. Everett Lee, or Mr. D as he was affectionally called ,was one of the founders of many of the current day oil institutions. In 1933 he discovered the first oil in Mexico. He was also the founder and president of Amerada Petroleum, which merged with Hess to form the current company Amerada Hess. He was the father of current day geophysical prospecting starting the GSI company (Geophysical Services Inc) to make the equipment needed. GSI morphed into the current day Texas Instruments. He recognized the need for an oil field laboratory services company and also started Core Labs, the premier company offering fluid and rock laboratory services. In 1936 he arelized the need for an independant company to provide unbiased third party opinions of an oil fields value. He partnered with Louis MacNaughton and they formed the current D e G O L Y E R and Mac Naughton which employees me. I never met either man as they both passed away before I came here in 1978. During WW II Mr. D was on the Petroleum Board for the government (do not remember the correct name). During his service he visited Saudi Arabia, which was just beginning to produce oil. He announced that the centroid of oil production would shift from Texas to the Middle East in the future. Time has proven him correct! He also was on the board of directors of the Southern Pacific railroad and had his own private rail car. Being a director got the car hauled free. Not a bad deal. (This is the railroad connection for this blurb) Think I have been here too long as out of our 175 employees only one professional has more tenure (by 2 months) than me. (I know where all of the skeletons are hidden). I work in the international group and specialize with 75% of my time spent on North Sea fields. The North Sea is a very mature basin and I canot advise a recent graduate to become a North Sea expert as I am. In 10-15 years he will be hunting a job. Since I have about 200 days to go I am not worrying. The North Sea is not a bad place to work. I have only been to an offshore platform once and that was for a half day inspection. All of my work is in offices. Going to London, Copenhagen, Aberdeen, Stavanger, and Paris is not bad duty. Certainly beats the H _ _ _ out of going to Lagos Nigeria. (Been there and have no desire to return).

Oh well, back to my initial thought. The four letters that are redacted, D e G O, might be construed a slur to our Italian friends with the letter E changed to A. I agree that there is no place for profanity or ethnic slurs on such a forum and I do not use slurs at any time. Occasionally a four letter word will slip out at a bad moment. If you have any input to the webmaster of this forum suggeds a little correction on redacted words and ask about using spell check. I tend to have fat fingers and will hit the wrong keys. Try to catch them but occasionally one will slip through.

  • Member since
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Posted by siberianmo on Friday, June 10, 2005 9:53 AM
*** Good powers of deduction, my friend. I'd say your theory regarding D E G O Y L E R somehow kicking in the censor mechanism for these forums must be related to the an ethnic slur .... Nevertheless, you point was made and we've managed to circument the censor. [tup]

I have a suggestion - avoid the countdown to retirement. It's not a healthy thing to do, for you or those around you. I saw so much of that in the service that when my time came - I kept it to myself. The end of the so called line insofar as a career is concerned is as inevitable as the end of any given day. Has nothing to do with the end of being productive and happy. Just my [2c]

Now, how about some RESPONSES to the activity that's been taking place 'round here[?] Geesh .... You must be way behind in the SUMMARIES [;)]

By the way, this is a cyber bar ' grill, so whatillyahave[?] [swg]

See ya! [tup] [swg]
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by coalminer3 on Friday, June 10, 2005 12:09 PM
Please excuse the long silence. Coffee (as always) please, and I've got to get back to it.
Back from yet another road trip to Northern Virginia. Lovely weather: all the heat humidity and thunderstorms I could stand! And more of the same over here. Things were VERY quiet on the C&O and also on what little of the NS I did see.

A quick comment re Our Place's most excellent (and photogenic) mascot - I have a box of Milk Bones handy at all times to pacify our K9 corps at home, and will be happy to share. I assume the mascot is in the building - Aha! over there, under the pool table - I see the eyes!

One last thought (I'm 5th on the list here): I don't even think abt retirement, but I do see lots of folks counting down and I think, what are they going to do when they get out?

work safe
  • Member since
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  • From: Chesterfield, Missouri, USA
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Posted by siberianmo on Friday, June 10, 2005 1:00 PM
G'day coalminer 3 Whatillyahave[?] C'mon - it's lunch and our sandwiches are the absolute best anywhere 'round these parts. [tup] [swg]

Amazing that any of those RR's would be quiet - ever. Given what we read these days about America's overloaded trackage, etc.

I'm trying to convince a friend of mine to take a day trip with me aboard Amtrak to Chicago. Go north at 4:30 AM and return aboard the Texas Eagle at 3:15 PM. That return should be fun - Superliner cars - dinner in the diner (..... nothing could be finer!) and so forth .... Heck, if he doesn't make up his feebleassmind soon, I'll go it alone! [;)]

You hit the nail on the head regarding your retirement comments. That's my point exactly - the countdown to my way of thinking is anything but a positive statement. Of course there ARE exceptions and I don't want to paint with too wide a brush.

I'm a living example of one who had a plan to engage in something else almost immediately upon retirement. It was good for me and those around me and I'm NOT talking about another career. I went to college - full time day student - and got educated after 32 years of service to my country in the USCG. After that - I became a police officer (reserve) and after that an advisor to my State Representative/Senator and after that .........

Just don't let the word retirement mean more than it really is. End of story.

Oh by the way, your input 'round here is always welcome - so let's have some thoughts on our Rendezvous - I'd appreciate an Email tho ......

See ya! [tup] [;)]
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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The maximum number of passenger cars that a locomotive can carry?
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 10, 2005 2:37 PM
Hello everyone here.

Here is the question that I have been searching for an answer for a while, but never come close.

I want to know what is the maximum number of passenger cars that a locomotive can carry?

I have been searching everywhere for an answer, include Guinness World Records, but did not find anything.

I guess a train can have as many passenger cars as one likes, it will just run very slowly. But I need to know in the real world situation, how many psaaenger cars can a train have? I hope someone here is knowledge enough to answer my question.

Yours truly,
Luke Hu
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 10, 2005 3:27 PM
Good afternoon Y'all.

Sorry I did not get in for lunch today. It is Friday and that is Fi***aco day at my favorite Mexican reataurant, Desparados, across the street from the office. Cannot miss that delicacy. Since it is after noon I think I will have a Guiness. Love that black brew. (BURP)

Thanks, Nick for the flash about pulling the pullmans from the Penzance run. I like to look out the window so I travel during daylight hour whenever possible. The nice thing about the trip to Penzance is that west of Plymouth they still have and operate armstrong interlocking towers. Wanted to visit one, but the train stop is too short to call on the tower. (Note the British wordage about stopping somewhere). My Grandfather was born in Pontypredd Wales Cardiff and immigrated to the new world in 1898. Even looked up his data on the Ellis Island web page that shows the ships manifest and names of all arriving immigrants.showing him arriving on the Good Ship Aurania on May 19, 1898. I still have relatives in the UK and have visited with them on occasion. I have not been able to locate Pontypredd on any map. Do you have an idea where it may be?

Have seen the CYMRU name on BBC advertising for the Welsh Development Council. I have one question: How do you pronounce CYMRU? Another Wel***own I would like to visit sometime just to photograph the station sign board for LlanfairPG. Again I have no idea how to pronounce that 57 letter long town name.

BURP! Boris, could you top off my Guiness? I think the mug must have a hole in it as it seems to drain out real fast.

Yes, my retirement is coming up in the near future. In some respects I am looking forward to it. Then we can visit our grand children - 4 in Tulsa and 3 in Austin- when we want to and for as long as we want. I have a couple of things in the works for my retirement. I know that after about 6 weeks you will have all of the squeaky doors and loose drawer pulls fixed. Then what? I have been approached about consulting, what I do now, for some of my friends. This is good. Keeps the mind sharp, brings in a little more Guiness-Boris-please fill it up again-money, and I can work as much or as little as I want. For the last two years I have been commuting 65 miles each way from our lake/retirement home on Cedar Creek Lake to Dallas. I will not miss that trip. Now it is a 13 hour day from the time I walk out the front door until I walk back in. The one redeeming thing is that I am in a car pool and someone else does all of the driving. I can sleep or sip my coffee and relax.

Coalminer 3 we need to talk sometime. As you know we are originally from West Virginia and I spent a couple of summers while in college surveying coal mines around Morgantown. I was convinced after being in a couple of minor explosions and slate falls that I did not want to be a coal mole. I changed my major from Engineer of Mines, soft rock option to Engineer of Mines, Oil and Gas option.

Well, it is about time to catch the train to my carpool. Boris, could I get a sandwich for the ride home?

See y'all next week.



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