This was a thread deleted at another poster's request.
When you see a period, it's 'code' for an intentional deletion on a platform that does not allow explicit self-removal of posts. By convention, that applies to the title as well as the post content -- think of it as a warning that the OP has chosen to remove the whole thread and not just the initial post.
Presumably one of the moderators will get around to formally removing this in time. I was debating whether to start 'some other thread' using this one as a framework, but don't have any new topics of sufficient popular interest.
If I want to delete something I just erase and type in "deleted."
No confusion on anyone's part that way.
This brings up an interresting question. Is it possible for a thread's original poster to edit a thread's title? I've seen it done but I've never figured out how.
Trains, trains, wonderful trains. The more you get, the more you toot!
Penny TrainsThis brings up an interresting question. Is it possible for a thread's original poster to edit a thread's title? I've seen it done but I've never figured out how.
Go to the original post you created the thread with and hit the EDIT button. When the screen returns the thread title is there in editable from.
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