Where does this Amtrak Stock Footage come from?

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Where does this Amtrak Stock Footage come from?
Posted by xboxtravis7992 on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:48 PM

Something I keep noticing while I watch YouTube, whenever Amtrak is a subject; there usually is footage of Amtrak pulling the American Orient Express through the Tooele, Utah area (my hometown). This is the route of the former Desert Wind, and the only passenger service I have ever seen on it in my life is UP specials. For example at the 1:50 minute mark of this Wall Street Journal opinion piece on Amtrak is an example of this stock footage: This video at the 7:58 mark also has stock footage of the same train further up line near Lake Point, Utah: 

Any ideas as to were I might find the original footage un-edited? Its such a cool sight and I would really like to see what the American Orient Express looked like when it came through my hometown. 

EDIT: Nevermind, I finally found the video source:

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