Late Amtrak Trains

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Late Amtrak Trains
Posted by Electroliner 1935 on Friday, May 5, 2017 5:21 PM

Amtraks problems on the West coast with the  Starlight not operating North of Sacramento continue due to UP's bridge outage. Does anyone know what percentage of riders on the Starlight ride through from southern CA to Portland and beyond?

Otherwise most of the delays appear to have been overcome except for the following:Looking at today, I note that the Crescent #20 (4) is 15:03 late at Salisbery and went from being 4:53 late at Taccoa to being 14:02 late at Gainsville. Does anyone know why? The Crescemt #20 (5) is within its padding of being on time at Atlanta.

Also, the SW Chief  #4 (3) got out of LA  2:53 late and is now 3:41 down at Princeton IL. 

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