Once again this Thursday March 5 Amtrak is having to cancel some trains on the NEC mainly NYP = WASH. Are these late winter storms going to mean a very bad flood period this spring ? The RRs may really take a lot of damage.
blue streak 1 Now more cancellations this Thursday. Anyone know if it because of a lack of servicable equipment ? http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=AM_Alert_C&pagename=am/AM_Alert_C/Alerts_Popup&cid=1251627729599
Now more cancellations this Thursday. Anyone know if it because of a lack of servicable equipment ?
As the notice says - it is because of the snow event that impacted the Carolina's and Virginia. Multiple cases of switch trouble and trees down in the area on all carriers.
Never too old to have a happy childhood!
Appears Amtrak will be cancelling some trips Thursday and Friday only on the NEC BOS - NYP - - WASH.
A good word for MBTA. Rescued broken down Acela near Boston.
Wedensday == LSL bused BOS - ALB. Modified service BOS - WASH, Palmetto cancelled.
Tuesday -- Couple BOS - NYP round trips cancelled + Lake shore limited BOS - Abany. Otherwise all running. Most early morning trains out of BOS close to sold out. Palmetto cancelled.
Amtrak appears to be operating the NEC fairly well with only tr 99 having a seveere delay to BBY. The Downeasters have been reduced to just 3 today ( holiday? )
Now all Downeasters are cancelled Sunday. Wonder if this is because of MBTA cancelling all service ? However the Bos - Albany Lakeshore is still operating but with no coach seats left and only one roomettee and one bedroom available.
Previous post noted one Down easter stalled yesterday. Amtrak is cancelling 1 round trip Sat and more Sun. Suspect that Amtrak will operate the trains with locos on both ends. That way the trains can have a loco at each end to prevent traction motor failure.
Downeaster stalled today going to BON. Will be pushed by next southbound. Maybe stalled train will push enough snow out of way that the train pushing will not stall ? Appears as if traction motors shorted out as stall still has HEP.
Amtrak modified schedule slightly NYP - BOS but everything this afternoon is scheduled to operate.
MBTA has cancelled all rail service for Tuesday including commuter rail. Since the Downeaster operates over T rail north of Boston Amtrak has cancelled all Downeasters. So far NEC to / from Boston still operating. If Amtrak did not operate the Mass DOT owned portion of the NEC in Mass probably would have been no service BOS - PVD.
Some Empire service cancelled due to continuing snow. Amtrak link:
Is there been any correlation to the loco failures this year to the ones with the new GE replacement DC motors vs non replaced? There does not seem to be as many traction motor failures this winter.
News reports had Chicago Quincy service cancellled today.
All service supposed to operate Thursday.
Well Amtrak had to go to only one trip each way Portland - Boston north station. They will operate Wedensday afternoon
service was restored on nyc commuter lines before noon tuesday
Regular service resumes for Access-A-Ride customers on Wednesday, January 28
3:15 PM bulletin from Amtrak. Only NYP - BOS and New Haven - springfield will operate on modified schedule. Bulletin does note that Downeaster may have problems but at time of bulletin expected to operate complete schedule. Suspect that the single trak operation of Downeaster may cause problems . We will see.
Looks like NYC dodged the bullet. As usual the weather guessers missed the track of the storm . They actually did fairly well but unknown factors moved it the 50 miles east needed to spare NYC. The following link of the 1888 storm that tracked to dump on NYC. Prepare for worse pray for best.
blue streak 1 blue streak 1 blue streak 1 http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=AM_Alert_C&pagename=am/AM_Alert_C/Alerts_Popup&cid=1251627535692 Seconbrief from Amtrak. They have modified rest of Monday's schedule. http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=AM_Alert_C&pagename=am/AM_Alert_C/Alerts_Popup&cid=1251627540147 Third brief. All New england service cancelled Tuesday NYP - Albany _ BOS - Portland. http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=AM_Alert_C&pagename=am/AM_Alert_C/Alerts_Popup&cid=1251627544580 Hearing rumors that storm may track farther to east which will reduce predicted snow falls. The track of any storm 50 miles either way can significanly change snow amounts. Tree can testify to this where he lives.
blue streak 1 blue streak 1 http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=AM_Alert_C&pagename=am/AM_Alert_C/Alerts_Popup&cid=1251627535692 Seconbrief from Amtrak. They have modified rest of Monday's schedule. http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=AM_Alert_C&pagename=am/AM_Alert_C/Alerts_Popup&cid=1251627540147
blue streak 1 http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=AM_Alert_C&pagename=am/AM_Alert_C/Alerts_Popup&cid=1251627535692
Seconbrief from Amtrak. They have modified rest of Monday's schedule.
Third brief. All New england service cancelled Tuesday NYP - Albany _ BOS - Portland.
Hearing rumors that storm may track farther to east which will reduce predicted snow falls. The track of any storm 50 miles either way can significanly change snow amounts. Tree can testify to this where he lives.
This storm brings up many questions what with travel bans maybe put into place.
1. How will the CAT be protected?
a. Will there be ice? If so any icecicle breakers available? Pans certainly cannot do the job.
b. Heavy snow may collaspe some of the older hangers and poles. Could also cause overloaded structures to fall onto CAT.
c. Trees may fall toward the CAT as trees do have the tendency to lean toward clear spots.
2. Crews are going to need to be called in today to clear track obstructions tomorrow.
a. Can some crews of them be put up in sleepers in NY?
b. Track clearing crews will need to be stationed at various locations.
3. Operatoions. Same for personel that operate trains
a. will various diesels be used for snow clearing but with the large amounts forecast some snow may be pushed onto parallel tracks.
b. Opperational question. Will trains be dispatched with both electric motor and diesel? Since there are not enough diesels equipped for NEC signals can any of the electrics lead a diesel backup when CAT power is lost?
c. Will Amtrak straight rail as much as possible to avoid interlocking switches that may jam or freeze?
Well the blizzard is coming. Amtrak has posted their first service alert. Quite extensive. You NEC posters be safe.
Acording to newswire Chicago had another winter failure. Evidently the P-42 upgrades to the traction motors are not working. Some how Amtrak is going to have to lease some AC motored freight units as leaders. BNSF did provide one for part of SWC route.
The other question is why has Amtrak not installed enough signal reception equipment to allow more interchangeability between routes. Know NS, CSX & ACSES systems are on all locos assigned to eastern routes with exception of Michigan routes.
Unconfirmed report that all NYP origination departures delayed this Thursday were delayed due to a major CAT failure at Sunnyside yard. Anyone with details? Old CAT anywhere can fail.
blue streak 1 A concen no one has posted is are the LD trains getting enough power? The bitter cold presently would seem to dictate at least 2 operative HEP locos on any train. That would protect against most HEP failures. As well the ability of the revised DC GE traction motors to resist snow flash overs is unknown, Maybe the freight RRs need to add a AC motored loco to the front of the LD trains when the trains go into heavy snow? That certainly would help fluidity. Know feight locos are limited to 70 MPH but faster acceleration with an extra loco would mitigate the schedule time loss somewhat.
A concen no one has posted is are the LD trains getting enough power? The bitter cold presently would seem to dictate at least 2 operative HEP locos on any train. That would protect against most HEP failures. As well the ability of the revised DC GE traction motors to resist snow flash overs is unknown, Maybe the freight RRs need to add a AC motored loco to the front of the LD trains when the trains go into heavy snow? That certainly would help fluidity. Know feight locos are limited to 70 MPH but faster acceleration with an extra loco would mitigate the schedule time loss somewhat.
Freight carriers don't have locomotives to spare for use by Amtrak!
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