For Rio Grande Zephyr Fans

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For Rio Grande Zephyr Fans
Posted by daveklepper on Thursday, July 7, 2011 3:01 PM

Went on a nature hike today.   Something like an infantry training excecise  (except for the business of keeping the rifle barrel clean while crawling through mud), with about 40 of my fellow students and two teachers, none of them older than half my age.   Forded a stream twice and this time did not get my feet wet.   (From rock to rock)  Coming around a bend I saw a miracle, Castle Gate resurrected!   Then, after following the "wadi" around another bend, a smaller version of the Book Cliffs met my eye.   The scenery on the hike was really tremendous.   Shortly after we began the hike,, while still on a road and not yet into the wadi, saw a sign (three languages) advertizing a "Boutique Winery."   Nature purists would wince, but I do have a dream about the area, beautiful as it is unspoiled, with grapes growing on most of the cultivatable slopes, of which there are plenty, and a sort of combination of the Napa Valley Wine Train and the Durango & Silverton (or Toltec and Cumbres or the Yellow Metro of the Pyranees), carrying tourist thorugh the area.

Of course people have to learn to love each other, as the Sacred Books require anyway, and as suggested by the Pope's last  visit to these parts.   Then this dream might really come true!

I managed to keep up with the group except for the last half mile (that is half mile laterally and about another half mile ascent).  Needed rest stop and four of the youngsters stayed with me.

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