An apology to Dave Klepper

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An apology to Dave Klepper
Posted by Deggesty on Friday, June 12, 2009 3:54 PM

Some time back, Dave Klepper and I had a lengthy interchange about the stations used by C&O trains in Detroit. He had a memory of seeing C&O equipment in the MC station, and I doubted that such were there regularly. This morning, I was looking for some other information concerning the C&O in the October, 1944, Guide--and saw that the train that made a round trip from Detroit to Columbus and back every day, running over the C&O south of Toledo, with a through coach from Detroit, did, indeed, use the MC station. And, after seeing this today, I remembered having noticed it back in the fifties when I was devouring the November, 1937, Guide that had been given me by Southern's city agent in Bristol, Va. It struck my notice then because the Sportsman used the PM station (Fort St. Union station). Dave's memory was superior to mine.




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