D2 Dallas Subway project begins (2nd Light Rail route through downtown Dallas)

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D2 Dallas Subway project begins (2nd Light Rail route through downtown Dallas)
Posted by CMStPnP on Sunday, March 24, 2019 12:52 PM

Dallas elected to construct two $1+ Billion transit projects concurrently instead of serially so this subway project is being conducted concurrently with the Cotton Belt line to DFW Airport.    Cotton Belt should be done by 2022, the subway by 2024.

Once this is complete it should increase capacity of the outward spokes as a second and alternative alignment will be open downtown.    Right now there is only one downtown alignment which is heavily used by all the spokes and limits train frequency on the spokes as well as speed in some cases negotiating downtown.    This second alternative should alleviate some of that.      Here is the fact sheet for the project......

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