SEPTA fairwell to the AEM-7 electric locomotives

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SEPTA fairwell to the AEM-7 electric locomotives
Posted by daveklepper on Thursday, November 29, 2018 4:37 AM
For decades, SEPTA has had a long tradition of celebrating the arrival and departure of its rail fleet. SEPTA will continue this tradition on Saturday, December 1, 2018 with a "Farewell to the AEM-7 Locomotives" excursion trip.
The special farewell excursion will take place:
  • When: Saturday, December 1
  • Where: SEPTA's Paoli/Thorndale Regional Rail Line

Interested rail fans, rail buffs and train enthusiasts can view the special schedule below.
Rail enthusiasts can begin boarding the special farewell excursion train from Paoli Station at 10:25 a.m. After departing from Paoli Station, the farewell excursion train will make stops at Wayne, Radnor, Bryn Mawr, 30th Street and Suburban Station. At Suburban Station, the group will have an opportunity to visit the western themed holiday decorated train on Track 0, shop and stretch their legs. The return trip departs from Suburban Station at 12:10 p.m.
The legendary AEM-7 locomotives are over 30 years old and have taken riders on millions of trips throughout the Philadelphia region. The Farewell to SEPTA's AEM-7 locomotive will pay tribute to the millions of route miles these engines have served. Join us!

AEM-7 Farewell Schedule: December 1, 2018


10:25 a.m. Depart Paoli Station
10:32 a.m. Depart Wayne Station
10:35 a.m. Depart Radnor Station
10:39 a.m. Depart Bryn Mawr Station
10:53 a.m. Depart 30th Street Station
10:58 a.m. Arrive Suburban Station
12:10 p.m. Depart Suburban Station
12:15 p.m. Depart 30th Street Station
12:24 p.m. Depart Bryn Mawr Station
12:28 p.m. Depart Radnor Station
12:31 p.m. Depart Wayne Station
12:38 p.m. Arrive Paoli Station

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