2nd try...Cleveland OH RTA and Akron OH Metro Excutives suspeneded for Ethics and Benifits Fraud withing days of each other

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2nd try...Cleveland OH RTA and Akron OH Metro Excutives suspeneded for Ethics and Benifits Fraud withing days of each other
Posted by CandOforprogress2 on Friday, June 8, 2018 2:42 PM

Richard Entry started out as a Moterman on the Cleveland Rapid Rail and then worked his way up into the back office for RTA then got hired at the Neighboring Akron METRO. Akron METRO owns part of the track that the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railway runs on and has railbanked about 50 miles of track for future commuter rail that they lease out to the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad and CVSR RR.

From Akron Beacon Journal-

"The Metro RTA board voted Friday to fire embattled Executive Director Richard Enty following an investigation into ethics and harassment complaints leveled against him. He had two years left on a three-year contract."

Richards Attorney had this to say-“I’ll be reviewing [whether to appeal the decision in court] with Mr. Enty, but it’s no surprise because we had a group of people who ganged up to remove him,” Gilbert said. “The whole situation was extremely exaggerated. And there’s a number people who are just not used to a strong African-American leader, and that’s the troubling aspect of this.”

In Cleveland RTA George Dixon was fired by the Board for Benifit Padding when he helped defraud the medical fund for overpriced prescriptions. George was also accused of double dipping for public benifits-

"Trustees say Dixon got that coverage for many years while falling increasingly behind on his premiums. Counting interest, they say, he owes about $141,000 in premiums, about $970,000 in medical, dental and vision benefits and a yet-undetermined sum for personal cell calls."

This has been a problem nationwide in Commuter rail districts like New York and Chicago Metra when when the CEO threw himself in front of a train when being probed for misaproption of funds-

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