Locomotive wheelbase vs track Radii

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Posted by jchnhtfd on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:50 PM

It is possible that there is an AREMA standard on this, although I don't recall having seen one.  In general, railway curves are large enough radii so that this isn't a problem for two axle trucks.  Longer wheelbase steam engines had lateral motion on the drivers, or no flanges on some drivers, or both.

You may find more information on this in light rail/trolley type resources.  This is possibly where the 10 times rule of thumb comes from.  For conventional rail equipment, though, this would be very tight indeed.

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Locomotive wheelbase vs track Radii
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 1:44 PM

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the site and the world of trains.  I'm currently helping out in the design of a 25 tonne underground locomotive.  Is there an AAR or RAC requirment of design for a locomotive wheelbase vs the track radii??  I've heard rules of thumb that the curve must be 10 times the wheelbase (2M wheelbase = 20M curve), but I've yet to see anthing on paper.  Can someone please help me out on this issue?

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