Away from home

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Away from home
Posted by rockymidlandrr on Thursday, June 5, 2008 12:37 AM
Traveling through Bessemer, Alabama the other day I stumbled upon a ex-Santa Fe C44-9W number 644 sitting there in the yard behind Lowes.  On CSX tracks, right beside the US Steel plant.  The unit was shut down and sitting there in a side track.  There was three shockers, 1- An ex-Santa Fe unit on a dominant coal line, 2-it was unpatched, it only had a small BNSF sticker below the window, and 3, it was coupled to an ex Conrail C40-8W that was unpatched but i dont recall the number.
Still building the Rocky Midland RR Through, Over, and Around the Rockies

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