End of an era? Steam Locomotives being replaced by diesels?

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End of an era? Steam Locomotives being replaced by diesels?
Posted by magicman710 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 8:52 PM

Ok, I was just driving my big boy down the line, when I saw a bright light, and then Im in front of the track I was just driving on, when I see this diesel locomotive! Then I come to this library and was told this brightely lit screen was called a com-pew-tur. So she tells me I can tell my story on this site, so I am.

Are steam locomotives really being replaced by diesels?

P. S. I was driving this loco in 1943, and this ladie says its 2007, wasent the apocolypse supposed to happen by now!? Big Smile [:D] Laugh [(-D] Laugh [(-D]


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