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  • Member since
    June 2006
  • From: northeast ohio
  • 966 posts
Posted by 0-6-0 on Monday, August 7, 2006 11:43 AM
Hello all I went to berea over the weekend  and I found depot street nice spot but it seemed to be a slow day. seen 2 trains in hour and half 1 ns& 1csx. I would like to know if a weak day is better? I nomely go macedonia to highland rd and sit at the ns line cleve&allince line week days are better then weekends see one every 30 min or so .NS track worker saide its cp102 and wen-fri is better .thanks frankSmile [:)]
  • Member since
    June 2006
  • From: northeast ohio
  • 966 posts
Posted by 0-6-0 on Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:22 AM
Hello Well I went back to berea on 8/8/6 much better seen 8 trains in 1hour&half 1bnsf,1csx,6ns.and met a nice coupl mary&al they had been there since 1:00 and i got there at 6:00 they seen 10 trains up till i got there. al siad sun-mon & thur-fri are better days. Smile [:)] frank

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