HLCX/GMTX Gering, Nebraska

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HLCX/GMTX Gering, Nebraska
Posted by RailEagle on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 5:42 PM

I found a couple hidden gems today. In Gering, Nebraska there are are about 50 GMTX and HLCX Geeps stores in the Union Pacific Yard. There is a road that runs parallel: 7th Street. Also there is a park nearby which has a good view of the yard. The odd locomotive out is a UPY GE CCRCL. Finally there is an old Union Pacific semi-trailer with the “We Can Handle It” motto at the end of 7th St. I couldn’t find much about this online, only a few photos. Gering is a small time near Scott’s Bluff and Chimney Rock National Monuments.

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