Dallas-Ft. Worth railfanning

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Dallas-Ft. Worth railfanning
Posted by J.Terre798 on Monday, July 15, 2013 1:56 PM

I'm planning a big roadtrip from my town (New Orleans) to Shreveport, Dallas, Forth Worth, and then down to Houston and back home.

I have Shreveport and Houston down because I've been there dozens of times.

My question is for Fort Worth is for Tower 55. I've been reading up on how to get there, and my only problem is that either they pre-date Amtrak's revised photo policy, or they're just too old to be accurate enough for the trip. I'd like to get as close as possible to the diamond without getting arrested.

As of the current status of the diamond and surrounding area, is it possible to get up close to the diamond, or enough to get some shots of it. I know the T&P station and the Fort Worth Intermodal Center are options, but I'd like to get closer.

-James T. 

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 15, 2013 3:34 PM

I took the Texas Eagle to Dallas last month.  Tower 55 is boarded-up.  It is not very photogenic. 

I have never tried to get close to Tower 55.  Having said that, the closest street appears to be E. Vickery Blvd.  Or you might try to get on the South Freeway from E. Lancaster Avenue.  The South Freeway is the service road for I-35W.  You would have to take the southbound lanes from E. Lancaster Avenue.  I doubt that you would find any convenient parking.  I don't know how you could get real close to the tower without trespassing on railroad property.  Frankly, I don't think it is a good idea.

I would opt for a visit to the old T&P station instead. The interior of the waiting room looks pretty much like it did when it was the major east/west passenger station in Fort Worth.  Moreover, if you have the time, take the TRE over to Dallas and have a gander at Union Station.  It is remarkable inside and out. And the train ride is worth the money.

If you have not locked down you trip, consider a visit to the Fort Worth Stockyards whilst you are in Cow Town. Better yet, if you have the time, and you are in the area on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, book a ride into the stockyards on the Grapevine Vintage Railroad.  It pulls right into the stockyards.  You can get schedule and pricing information on the railroad's website.  Just google Grapevine Vintage Railroad.  Unfortunately, the steam engine is down for repairs, but riding behind a diesel ain't so bad.  

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Posted by South Texas on Friday, July 19, 2013 5:01 PM

I've taken the Texas Eagle into Fort Worth several times. Tower 55 is a visual disappointment, as Sam said. The Intermodal Terminal (train station) is much more interesting if you have an interest in internal traffic flow and architecture - pedestrians, buses, private cars, and, of course, trains. It all works very well.

Take the time to go see Dallas Union Station if you are interested in architecture of the grand old stations of a bygone era. It and the Sunset Station in San Antonio are the best in Texas. 


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Posted by gprimr1 on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 10:36 AM

When are you going? I am planning a trip in December. I actually wrote a letter to the DART police asking them to clarify what, if any, their policy for non-commercial photography is. 

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