YOUTUBE rehashed

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:40 AM

Interesting yes, but for my sake I dont go to videos of unsafe acts. Ive seen too many over the years on the road.

However, once in a while a video of a kid playing with dangerous real life trains or a wreck gets good attention, however, these forums sometimes discourages active hunting of "Beat the train" videos.

On the other coin, there are MANY good videos of Scale model trains using what they have that covers alot of the hobby.

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YOUTUBE rehashed
Posted by sanvtoman on Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:27 AM
 I had a post a bit back about train videos on Youtube. Anyway there are alot of new videos.   If you are interested just type things like "train watching" or "train hopping"  etc. It is very unsafe what these people are doing but it is interesting to watch.   Thanx     

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